Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 711 - 720, 15.12.2017


Kentler bizim oturma
odalarımızdır. Günümüzde okul, iş, alışveriş ve rekreasyon gibi farklı amaçlar
için çocuk oyun alanı, spor alanı, sokak, yaya bölgesi, meydan ve park vb.
kentsel mekanlarda zamanımızın büyük bölümünü geçirmekteyiz. Bu kentsel
mekanlarda otobüs durakları, bisiklet parkları, banklar, piknik masaları,
aydınlatma elemanları, çöp kutuları, bitki kapları, çeşmeler,
babalar/bariyerler, çitler ve ağaç korumaları vb. kent mobilyalarını
kullanırız. Kent mobilyalarının sağlam ve kullanışlı olması yanı sıra estetik
olması da çok önemlidir. Kent mobilyalarının estetik olmasında özgün ve modern
tasarım ürünü olması önemli bir etkendir. Estetik özellikleri, özgün ve modern
tasarımları ile kent mobilyaları kentlinin estetik görüşünün, kentsel
mekanların da kalitesinin artmasına katkıda bulunmaktadır.

Makalede kent mobilyaları estetik
ve tasarım açısından incelenecektir. Modern kent mobilyaları örnekleri



  • [1]. Gouvea, L., and Mont’ Alvao, C., (2013). Observing the Urban Space: A Protocol to Analyse Street Furniture in Public Squares, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergoomics Society, 57th Annual Meeting, 555-559 [2]. Co-ordinated Street Furniture Urban Design Guidelines, (2009). The Regional Municipality of York, Ontario, Canada. [3]. Sabouri, M., Samie Yousefi, M., and Samie Yousefi, F., (2015). Role of urban sculptures in beautification and improvement of quality of urban spaces (case study: Fuman County), Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 36(3), Ozel Sayı, ISSN: 1300-1949 [4]. Abbasi, A., Alalouch, C., and Bramley, G., (2016). Open Space Quality in Deprived Urban Areas: User Perspective and Use Pattern, Urban Planning and Architecture Design for Sustainable Development UPADSD 14- 16 October 2015, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 216,194-205 [5]. LMG Lucid Mgmt Group, Street Furniture Maufecturers, (accessed September15, 2017). [6]. İnceoğlu, M., and Aytuğ, A., (2009). Kentsel mekânda kalite kavramı (The concept of urban space quality), MEGARON;4(3), 131-146 [7]. Burt, M. E., (1978). A Survey of Quality and Value in Building, Building Research Establishment, Watford, UK. [8]. Rapoport, A., (1982). The meaning of the built environment: A nonverbal communication. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications. [9]. Greene, S., (1992). Cityshape: Communicating and evaluating community design, American Planning Association. Journal of the American Planning Association; Spring 1992; 58, 2; Academic Research Library, 177-189. [10]. Lansing, J. B., and Marans, R. W., (1969). Evaluation of neighborhood quality. Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 35(3), 195–199. [11]. Pacione, M., (2003). Urban environmental quality and human wellbeing—a social geographical perspective. Landscape and Urban Planning 65(1–2), 19–30. [12]. Furnitubes, Design & Innovation Since 1946, Designers and Manufacturers of Street Furniture, (accessed September15, 2017). [13]. Van Uffelen, C., (2010). Street Furniture, Braun Pulishing, Lodo, UK, ISBN 978-3-03768-043-8 [14]. Mourthe,C. R., and Bezerra de Menezes, J., (2000). Ergonomics Methodology for Comparative Study of Street Furniture in Different Cities, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 44(8), 28-31 [15]. City of Hamilton Co-Ordinated Street Furniture Guidelines, Final, (2015). MMM Group Limited [16]. weburbanist, Architecture, Art, Design & Built Environments, The City Is Your Living Room: 15 Modern Street Furniture Designs, (accessed September12, 2017). [17]. Best Street Furniture, Contemporary Street Furniture Design for Public and Private Spaces, Commercial Street Furniture, (accessed September10, 2017). [18]. Yücel, G. F., (2013). Street furniture and amenities:designing the user-oriented urban landscape, InTech, 623-644. [19]. City of Ottawa Integrated Street Furniture Policy and Design Guidelines, (2009). Remillward Associates Ltd. (accessed September 10, 2017). [20]. Street Furniture from Bailey Street Scene, (2017). ( (accessed September 11, 2017). [21]. architectsdatafile (adf), (2014). Street Furniture: Material Choices for the Modern Urban Environment, (accessed September 11, 2017). [22]. Brighton & Hove City Council, (2010).Street Design Guidelines, First Edition, (accessed September 10, 2017). [23]. Street Furniture, (2017). A Sense of Place (accessed September 10, 2017). [24]. Tavsan, F., and Sonmez, E., (2015). Biomimicry in Furniture Design, 7th World Conference on Educational Sciences, (WCES-2015), 05-07 February 2015, Athens, Greece [25]. Pulic Spaces, (2017). Public Spaces as a Designer, Manufacture and Distributor Brings Contemporary Street Furniture to the British and Irish Marketplace, (accessed September 09, 2017). [26]. Freshhome, (2010). 15 Urban Furniture Designs You Wish Were on Your Street, // (accessed September 09, 2017).


Year 2017, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 711 - 720, 15.12.2017


-Cities are our living rooms. For different purposes (such as
school, work, shopping and rcreation), today we spend most of our time in urban
spaces such as playground, sport area, street, pedestrian area, square, park
etc. We use urban furnitures (such as bus shelters, bicycle stands, seatings,
picnic tables, lighting,
litter bins, planters, drinking
, bollards/barriers, railings and tree protections) in these
urban spaces. Besides being firm and useful, the aesthetics of urban furniture
is very important. Being a product of original and modern design is a
significant factor in aesthetics of an urban furniture. Urban furnitures with
aesthetic features, original and modern designs contribute to improve urban
dwellers’ aesthetic view and urban quality.

In this paper, urban furnitures
will be examined in the aspect of aesthetics and design. Examples of modern
urban furnitures will be given.


  • [1]. Gouvea, L., and Mont’ Alvao, C., (2013). Observing the Urban Space: A Protocol to Analyse Street Furniture in Public Squares, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergoomics Society, 57th Annual Meeting, 555-559 [2]. Co-ordinated Street Furniture Urban Design Guidelines, (2009). The Regional Municipality of York, Ontario, Canada. [3]. Sabouri, M., Samie Yousefi, M., and Samie Yousefi, F., (2015). Role of urban sculptures in beautification and improvement of quality of urban spaces (case study: Fuman County), Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 36(3), Ozel Sayı, ISSN: 1300-1949 [4]. Abbasi, A., Alalouch, C., and Bramley, G., (2016). Open Space Quality in Deprived Urban Areas: User Perspective and Use Pattern, Urban Planning and Architecture Design for Sustainable Development UPADSD 14- 16 October 2015, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 216,194-205 [5]. LMG Lucid Mgmt Group, Street Furniture Maufecturers, (accessed September15, 2017). [6]. İnceoğlu, M., and Aytuğ, A., (2009). Kentsel mekânda kalite kavramı (The concept of urban space quality), MEGARON;4(3), 131-146 [7]. Burt, M. E., (1978). A Survey of Quality and Value in Building, Building Research Establishment, Watford, UK. [8]. Rapoport, A., (1982). The meaning of the built environment: A nonverbal communication. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications. [9]. Greene, S., (1992). Cityshape: Communicating and evaluating community design, American Planning Association. Journal of the American Planning Association; Spring 1992; 58, 2; Academic Research Library, 177-189. [10]. Lansing, J. B., and Marans, R. W., (1969). Evaluation of neighborhood quality. Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 35(3), 195–199. [11]. Pacione, M., (2003). Urban environmental quality and human wellbeing—a social geographical perspective. Landscape and Urban Planning 65(1–2), 19–30. [12]. Furnitubes, Design & Innovation Since 1946, Designers and Manufacturers of Street Furniture, (accessed September15, 2017). [13]. Van Uffelen, C., (2010). Street Furniture, Braun Pulishing, Lodo, UK, ISBN 978-3-03768-043-8 [14]. Mourthe,C. R., and Bezerra de Menezes, J., (2000). Ergonomics Methodology for Comparative Study of Street Furniture in Different Cities, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 44(8), 28-31 [15]. City of Hamilton Co-Ordinated Street Furniture Guidelines, Final, (2015). MMM Group Limited [16]. weburbanist, Architecture, Art, Design & Built Environments, The City Is Your Living Room: 15 Modern Street Furniture Designs, (accessed September12, 2017). [17]. Best Street Furniture, Contemporary Street Furniture Design for Public and Private Spaces, Commercial Street Furniture, (accessed September10, 2017). [18]. Yücel, G. F., (2013). Street furniture and amenities:designing the user-oriented urban landscape, InTech, 623-644. [19]. City of Ottawa Integrated Street Furniture Policy and Design Guidelines, (2009). Remillward Associates Ltd. (accessed September 10, 2017). [20]. Street Furniture from Bailey Street Scene, (2017). ( (accessed September 11, 2017). [21]. architectsdatafile (adf), (2014). Street Furniture: Material Choices for the Modern Urban Environment, (accessed September 11, 2017). [22]. Brighton & Hove City Council, (2010).Street Design Guidelines, First Edition, (accessed September 10, 2017). [23]. Street Furniture, (2017). A Sense of Place (accessed September 10, 2017). [24]. Tavsan, F., and Sonmez, E., (2015). Biomimicry in Furniture Design, 7th World Conference on Educational Sciences, (WCES-2015), 05-07 February 2015, Athens, Greece [25]. Pulic Spaces, (2017). Public Spaces as a Designer, Manufacture and Distributor Brings Contemporary Street Furniture to the British and Irish Marketplace, (accessed September 09, 2017). [26]. Freshhome, (2010). 15 Urban Furniture Designs You Wish Were on Your Street, // (accessed September 09, 2017).
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Barış Kara

Publication Date December 15, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 6 Issue: 3


APA Kara, B. (2017). MODERN KENT MOBİLYASI TASARIMI VE KENTSEL MEKAN KALİTESİ. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(3), 711-720.
AMA Kara B. MODERN KENT MOBİLYASI TASARIMI VE KENTSEL MEKAN KALİTESİ. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi. December 2017;6(3):711-720.
Chicago Kara, Barış. “MODERN KENT MOBİLYASI TASARIMI VE KENTSEL MEKAN KALİTESİ”. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi 6, no. 3 (December 2017): 711-20.
EndNote Kara B (December 1, 2017) MODERN KENT MOBİLYASI TASARIMI VE KENTSEL MEKAN KALİTESİ. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi 6 3 711–720.
IEEE B. Kara, “MODERN KENT MOBİLYASI TASARIMI VE KENTSEL MEKAN KALİTESİ”, İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 711–720, 2017.
ISNAD Kara, Barış. “MODERN KENT MOBİLYASI TASARIMI VE KENTSEL MEKAN KALİTESİ”. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi 6/3 (December 2017), 711-720.
JAMA Kara B. MODERN KENT MOBİLYASI TASARIMI VE KENTSEL MEKAN KALİTESİ. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017;6:711–720.
MLA Kara, Barış. “MODERN KENT MOBİLYASI TASARIMI VE KENTSEL MEKAN KALİTESİ”. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 3, 2017, pp. 711-20.
Vancouver Kara B. MODERN KENT MOBİLYASI TASARIMI VE KENTSEL MEKAN KALİTESİ. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017;6(3):711-20.