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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 9 Sayı: Special Issue 2nd International Symposium of Sustainable Logistics “Circular Economy”, 18 - 25, 09.12.2022


Sürdürülebilir lojistik, çevresel, ekonomik ve sosyal boyutlarda bugünü ve geleceği nesiller boyu koruyarak ve yaşatarak gerçekleştirilen tüm lojistik faaliyetler olarak tanımlanabilir. Çalışmada sürdürülebilir lojistik için önemli olan çevresel, ekonomik ve sosyal boyutlardaki ana bileşenlerin etki düzeyleri ve alt bileşenleri incelenmiştir. Çevre boyutu incelendiğinde, alt bileşenlerinin kaynak kullanımı (enerji, su, malzeme vb.), su/toprak kirliliği, sera gazı emisyonları, gürültü kirliliği ve atık yönetimi olduğu görülmektedir. Ekonomik boyutun alt bileşenleri incelendiğinde ürün ve hizmet kalitesi, maliyet minimizasyonu, geri dönüşüm, pazar payı/büyüme ve mal taşıma yoğunluğu bileşenlerini içermektedir. Sosyal boyutun alt bileşenleri incelendiğinde iş sağlığı ve güvenliği, eğitim ve öğretim, çalışma koşulları ve halk sağlığı bileşenlerinin kapsandığı görülmektedir. Sürdürülebilir lojistiğin ana bileşenlerinin etki düzeyleri, ÇKKV yöntemlerinden biri olan DEMATEL yöntemi ile değerlendirilmektedir. DEMATEL yöntemine göre ekonomik ve çevresel boyutlar etkilenen grupta yer alırken, sosyal boyut etkilenen grupta yer almaktadır.


  • Akkad, M. Z., & Bányai, T. (2020, November). Applying sustainable logistics in industry 4.0 Era. In Vehicle and Automotive Engineering (pp. 222-234). Springer, Singapore.
  • Alshubiri, F. (2017). The impact of green logistics-based activities on the sustainable monetary expansion indicators of Oman. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 10(2), 388-405.
  • Björklund, M., & Forslund, H. (2019). Challenges addressed by swedish third-party logistics providers conducting sustainable logistics business cases. Sustainability, 11(9), 2654.
  • Broniewicz, E., & Ogrodnik, K. (2021). A comparative evaluation of multi-criteria analysis methods for sustainable transport. Energies, 14(16), 5100.
  • Chaabane, A., Ramudhin, A., & Paquet, M. (2012). Design of sustainable supply chains under the emission trading scheme. International journal of production economics, 135(1), 37-49.
  • Chang, Q. and Qin, R. (2008), “Analysis on development path of Tianjin green logistics”, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 3 No. 9, pp. 96-98.
  • Croom, S., Barani, S., Belanger, D., Lyons, T., & Murakami, J. (2009, June). Sustainable supply chain management–an exploration of current practice. In European Operation Management Association (EurOMA) Conference.
  • Çetin, Ö. Ü. O., & Sain, A. D. (2018). Lojistik Sektöründe Sürdürülebilirlik Uygulamalari.
  • D’Amico, G., Szopik-Depczyńska, K., Dembińska, I., & Ioppolo, G. (2021). Smart and sustainable logistics of Port cities: A framework for comprehending enabling factors, domains and goals. Sustainable Cities and Society, 69, 102801.
  • Elkington, J. (1997). The triple bottom line. Environmental management: Readings and cases, 2, 49-66.
  • Fontela, E. and Gabus, A. (1976), “The DEMATEL observer”, Battelle Institute, Geneva Research Center, Geneva.
  • Gabus, A. and Fontela, E. (1972), “World problems, an invitation to further thought within the framework of DEMATEL”, Battelle Geneva Research Center, Geneva.
  • Gallego, I. (2006). The use of economic, social and environmental indicators as a measure of sustainable development in Spain. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 13(2), 78-97.
  • Gimenez, C., Sierra, V., & Rodon, J. (2012). Sustainable operations: Their impact on the triple bottom line. International journal of production economics, 140(1), 149-159.
  • Grant, D. B., Wong, C. Y., & Trautrims, A. (2017). Sustainable logistics and supply chain management: principles and practices for sustainable operations and management. Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Grzybowska, K., & Awasthi, A. (2020). Literature review on sustainable logistics and sustainable production for Industry 4.0. Sustainable Logistics and Production in Industry 4.0, 1-18.
  • Hussein, M., Darko, A., Eltoukhy, A. E., & Zayed, T. (2022). Sustainable Logistics Planning in Modular Integrated Construction Using Multimethod Simulation and Taguchi Approach. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 148(6), 04022022.
  • Jayarathna, C. P., Agdas, D., & Dawes, L. (2022). Exploring sustainable logistics practices toward a circular economy: A value creation perspective. Business Strategy and the Environment.
  • Lan, S., Tseng, M. L., Yang, C., & Huisingh, D. (2020). Trends in sustainable logistics in major cities in China. Science of the total environment, 712, 136381.
  • Large, R. O., Kramer, N., & Hartmann, R. K. (2013). Procurement of logistics services and sustainable development in Europe: Fields of activity and empirical results. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 19(3), 122-133.
  • Morana, J., & Gonzalez-Feliu, J. (2015). A sustainable urban logistics dashboard from the perspective of a group of operational managers. Management Research Review.
  • Mücevher, M. H. (2021). Sürdürülebilir Lojistik için Üç Öncelikli Strateji: Yeşil Lojistik, Tersine Lojistik ve Yalın Lojistik. Enderun, 5(1), 39-54.
  • Neto, J. Q. F., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J. M., van Nunen, J. A., & van Heck, E. (2008). Designing and evaluating sustainable logistics networks. International journal of production economics, 111(2), 195-208.
  • Pamucar, D., Deveci, M., Canıtez, F., Paksoy, T., & Lukovac, V. (2021). A novel methodology for prioritizing zero-carbon measures for sustainable transport. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 27, 1093-1112.
  • Ren, R., Hu, W., Dong, J., Sun, B., Chen, Y., & Chen, Z. (2020). A systematic literature review of green and sustainable logistics: bibliometric analysis, research trend and knowledge taxonomy. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(1), 261.
  • Rota, C., Reynolds, N., & Zanasi, C. (2012). Collaboration and sustainable relationships: Their contribution to the life cycle analysis in agri-food supply chains (No. 1020-2016-81763, pp. 574-583).
  • Qaiser, F. H., Ahmed, K., Sykora, M., Choudhary, A., & Simpson, M. (2017). Decision support systems for sustainable logistics: a review and bibliometric analysis. Industrial Management & Data Systems.
  • Sbihi, A. and Eglese, R.W. (2010), “Combinatorial optimization and green logistics”, Annals of Operations Research, 175 (1), 159-175.
  • Senir, G., & Büyükkeklik, A. (2017). Sürdürülebilirlik Raporlaması ve Lojistik Şirketler Üzerine Bir Uygulama©. The International New Issues in Social Sciences, 5(5), 119-138.
  • Sidiropoulos, V., Bechtsis, D., & Vlachos, D. (2021). An augmented reality symbiosis software tool for sustainable logistics activities. Sustainability, 13(19), 10929.
  • Singh, M., & Pant, M. (2021). A review of selected weighing methods in MCDM with a case study. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 12(1), 126-144.
  • Solomon, A., Ketikidis, P., & Koh, S. L. (2019). Including social performance as a measure for resilient and green freight transportation. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 69, 13-23.
  • Wichaisri, S., & Sopadang, A. (2013, December). Sustainable logistics system: A framework and case study. In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (pp. 1017-1021). IEEE.
  • Zhao, R., Liu, D. and Li, Q. (2014), “Decision support system design for rail transport of hazardous materials”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport, 167 (4), 217-231.
  • Zhu, L., & Hu, D. (2017). Sustainable logistics network modeling for enterprise supply chain. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017.


Yıl 2022, Cilt: 9 Sayı: Special Issue 2nd International Symposium of Sustainable Logistics “Circular Economy”, 18 - 25, 09.12.2022


Sustainable logistics can be defined as all logistics activities carried out by preserving and maintaining the present and the future for generations in environmental, economic, and social dimensions. In the study, the impact levels and sub-components of the main components in environmental, economic, and social dimensions, which are important for sustainable logistics, are examined. When the environmental dimension is examined, it is seen that its sub-components are use of resource (energy, water, material, etc.), water/soil pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, noise pollution, and waste management. When the sub-components of the economic dimension are examined, it includes the components of product and service quality, cost minimization, recycling, market share/growth, and goods transport intensity. When the sub-components of the social dimension are examined, it is seen that the components of occupational health and safety, education and training, working conditions, and public health are covered. The impact levels of the main components of sustainable logistics are evaluated with the DEMATEL method, which is one of the MCDM methods. According to the DEMATEL method, while economic and environmental dimensions are in the affecting group, social dimension is in the affected group.


  • Akkad, M. Z., & Bányai, T. (2020, November). Applying sustainable logistics in industry 4.0 Era. In Vehicle and Automotive Engineering (pp. 222-234). Springer, Singapore.
  • Alshubiri, F. (2017). The impact of green logistics-based activities on the sustainable monetary expansion indicators of Oman. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 10(2), 388-405.
  • Björklund, M., & Forslund, H. (2019). Challenges addressed by swedish third-party logistics providers conducting sustainable logistics business cases. Sustainability, 11(9), 2654.
  • Broniewicz, E., & Ogrodnik, K. (2021). A comparative evaluation of multi-criteria analysis methods for sustainable transport. Energies, 14(16), 5100.
  • Chaabane, A., Ramudhin, A., & Paquet, M. (2012). Design of sustainable supply chains under the emission trading scheme. International journal of production economics, 135(1), 37-49.
  • Chang, Q. and Qin, R. (2008), “Analysis on development path of Tianjin green logistics”, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 3 No. 9, pp. 96-98.
  • Croom, S., Barani, S., Belanger, D., Lyons, T., & Murakami, J. (2009, June). Sustainable supply chain management–an exploration of current practice. In European Operation Management Association (EurOMA) Conference.
  • Çetin, Ö. Ü. O., & Sain, A. D. (2018). Lojistik Sektöründe Sürdürülebilirlik Uygulamalari.
  • D’Amico, G., Szopik-Depczyńska, K., Dembińska, I., & Ioppolo, G. (2021). Smart and sustainable logistics of Port cities: A framework for comprehending enabling factors, domains and goals. Sustainable Cities and Society, 69, 102801.
  • Elkington, J. (1997). The triple bottom line. Environmental management: Readings and cases, 2, 49-66.
  • Fontela, E. and Gabus, A. (1976), “The DEMATEL observer”, Battelle Institute, Geneva Research Center, Geneva.
  • Gabus, A. and Fontela, E. (1972), “World problems, an invitation to further thought within the framework of DEMATEL”, Battelle Geneva Research Center, Geneva.
  • Gallego, I. (2006). The use of economic, social and environmental indicators as a measure of sustainable development in Spain. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 13(2), 78-97.
  • Gimenez, C., Sierra, V., & Rodon, J. (2012). Sustainable operations: Their impact on the triple bottom line. International journal of production economics, 140(1), 149-159.
  • Grant, D. B., Wong, C. Y., & Trautrims, A. (2017). Sustainable logistics and supply chain management: principles and practices for sustainable operations and management. Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Grzybowska, K., & Awasthi, A. (2020). Literature review on sustainable logistics and sustainable production for Industry 4.0. Sustainable Logistics and Production in Industry 4.0, 1-18.
  • Hussein, M., Darko, A., Eltoukhy, A. E., & Zayed, T. (2022). Sustainable Logistics Planning in Modular Integrated Construction Using Multimethod Simulation and Taguchi Approach. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 148(6), 04022022.
  • Jayarathna, C. P., Agdas, D., & Dawes, L. (2022). Exploring sustainable logistics practices toward a circular economy: A value creation perspective. Business Strategy and the Environment.
  • Lan, S., Tseng, M. L., Yang, C., & Huisingh, D. (2020). Trends in sustainable logistics in major cities in China. Science of the total environment, 712, 136381.
  • Large, R. O., Kramer, N., & Hartmann, R. K. (2013). Procurement of logistics services and sustainable development in Europe: Fields of activity and empirical results. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 19(3), 122-133.
  • Morana, J., & Gonzalez-Feliu, J. (2015). A sustainable urban logistics dashboard from the perspective of a group of operational managers. Management Research Review.
  • Mücevher, M. H. (2021). Sürdürülebilir Lojistik için Üç Öncelikli Strateji: Yeşil Lojistik, Tersine Lojistik ve Yalın Lojistik. Enderun, 5(1), 39-54.
  • Neto, J. Q. F., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J. M., van Nunen, J. A., & van Heck, E. (2008). Designing and evaluating sustainable logistics networks. International journal of production economics, 111(2), 195-208.
  • Pamucar, D., Deveci, M., Canıtez, F., Paksoy, T., & Lukovac, V. (2021). A novel methodology for prioritizing zero-carbon measures for sustainable transport. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 27, 1093-1112.
  • Ren, R., Hu, W., Dong, J., Sun, B., Chen, Y., & Chen, Z. (2020). A systematic literature review of green and sustainable logistics: bibliometric analysis, research trend and knowledge taxonomy. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(1), 261.
  • Rota, C., Reynolds, N., & Zanasi, C. (2012). Collaboration and sustainable relationships: Their contribution to the life cycle analysis in agri-food supply chains (No. 1020-2016-81763, pp. 574-583).
  • Qaiser, F. H., Ahmed, K., Sykora, M., Choudhary, A., & Simpson, M. (2017). Decision support systems for sustainable logistics: a review and bibliometric analysis. Industrial Management & Data Systems.
  • Sbihi, A. and Eglese, R.W. (2010), “Combinatorial optimization and green logistics”, Annals of Operations Research, 175 (1), 159-175.
  • Senir, G., & Büyükkeklik, A. (2017). Sürdürülebilirlik Raporlaması ve Lojistik Şirketler Üzerine Bir Uygulama©. The International New Issues in Social Sciences, 5(5), 119-138.
  • Sidiropoulos, V., Bechtsis, D., & Vlachos, D. (2021). An augmented reality symbiosis software tool for sustainable logistics activities. Sustainability, 13(19), 10929.
  • Singh, M., & Pant, M. (2021). A review of selected weighing methods in MCDM with a case study. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 12(1), 126-144.
  • Solomon, A., Ketikidis, P., & Koh, S. L. (2019). Including social performance as a measure for resilient and green freight transportation. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 69, 13-23.
  • Wichaisri, S., & Sopadang, A. (2013, December). Sustainable logistics system: A framework and case study. In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (pp. 1017-1021). IEEE.
  • Zhao, R., Liu, D. and Li, Q. (2014), “Decision support system design for rail transport of hazardous materials”, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport, 167 (4), 217-231.
  • Zhu, L., & Hu, D. (2017). Sustainable logistics network modeling for enterprise supply chain. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Onur Derse 0000-0002-4528-1999

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 9 Aralık 2022
Yayımlanma Tarihi 9 Aralık 2022
Kabul Tarihi 3 Ekim 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 9 Sayı: Special Issue 2nd International Symposium of Sustainable Logistics “Circular Economy”

Kaynak Göster

APA Derse, O. (2022). DETECTION OF SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS SUB-COMPONENTS AND, DETERMINATION OF IMPACT LEVELS OF SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS COMPONENTS WITH DEMATEL METHOD. Toros Üniversitesi İİSBF Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9(Special Issue 2nd International Symposium of Sustainable Logistics “Circular Economy”), 18-25.
AMA Derse O. DETECTION OF SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS SUB-COMPONENTS AND, DETERMINATION OF IMPACT LEVELS OF SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS COMPONENTS WITH DEMATEL METHOD. Toros Üniversitesi İİSBF Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Aralık 2022;9(Special Issue 2nd International Symposium of Sustainable Logistics “Circular Economy”):18-25. doi:10.54709/iisbf.1166388
Chicago Derse, Onur. “DETECTION OF SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS SUB-COMPONENTS AND, DETERMINATION OF IMPACT LEVELS OF SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS COMPONENTS WITH DEMATEL METHOD”. Toros Üniversitesi İİSBF Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 9, sy. Special Issue 2nd International Symposium of Sustainable Logistics “Circular Economy” (Aralık 2022): 18-25.
EndNote Derse O (01 Aralık 2022) DETECTION OF SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS SUB-COMPONENTS AND, DETERMINATION OF IMPACT LEVELS OF SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS COMPONENTS WITH DEMATEL METHOD. Toros Üniversitesi İİSBF Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 9 Special Issue 2nd International Symposium of Sustainable Logistics “Circular Economy” 18–25.
IEEE O. Derse, “DETECTION OF SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS SUB-COMPONENTS AND, DETERMINATION OF IMPACT LEVELS OF SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS COMPONENTS WITH DEMATEL METHOD”, Toros Üniversitesi İİSBF Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 9, sy. Special Issue 2nd International Symposium of Sustainable Logistics “Circular Economy”, ss. 18–25, 2022, doi: 10.54709/iisbf.1166388.
ISNAD Derse, Onur. “DETECTION OF SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS SUB-COMPONENTS AND, DETERMINATION OF IMPACT LEVELS OF SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS COMPONENTS WITH DEMATEL METHOD”. Toros Üniversitesi İİSBF Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 9/Special Issue 2nd International Symposium of Sustainable Logistics “Circular Economy” (Aralık 2022), 18-25.
MLA Derse, Onur. “DETECTION OF SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS SUB-COMPONENTS AND, DETERMINATION OF IMPACT LEVELS OF SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS COMPONENTS WITH DEMATEL METHOD”. Toros Üniversitesi İİSBF Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 9, sy. Special Issue 2nd International Symposium of Sustainable Logistics “Circular Economy”, 2022, ss. 18-25, doi:10.54709/iisbf.1166388.
Vancouver Derse O. DETECTION OF SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS SUB-COMPONENTS AND, DETERMINATION OF IMPACT LEVELS OF SUSTAINABLE LOGISTICS COMPONENTS WITH DEMATEL METHOD. Toros Üniversitesi İİSBF Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2022;9(Special Issue 2nd International Symposium of Sustainable Logistics “Circular Economy”):18-25.