Ramon Missias-moreira Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco
Publication 1 Review 0
1 Publication
0 Review

Research Fields

Sports Science and Exercise


Postdoctoral fellow in Physical Activity and Health at the Faculty of Sports of the University of Porto (FADEUP), Portugal. Doctor in Education from the Federal University of Bahia - concept 5 CAPES (2017). Master in Nursing and Health from the State University of Southwest Bahia - UESB (2012). Specialist in Physical Activity, Education and Health for Special Groups from Faculdade da Cidade do Salvador (2010). Full Degree in Physical Education from UESB (2009). Degree in Pedagogy from the Metropolitan University of Santos (2019). Adjunct Professor at the Undergraduate Course in Physical Education, Permanent Professor at the Doctorate in Agroecology and Territorial Development and at the Masters in Psychology at the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF). Leader of the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Health, Education and Physical Education (GIPEEF), https://portais.univasf.edu.br/gipeef. He was Editor-in-Chief of Extramuros - UNIVASF Extension Magazine (2019-2021). Member of the International Research Network on Social Representations on Health (RIPRES) based at the University of Évora. Associate of the Brazilian Society of Physical Activity and Health (SBAFS). Member of the Brazilian Association of Black Researchers (ABPN). Member of the WG Identity, Memory and Representations of the National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Psychology (ANPEPP). Member of the Brazilian Association of Collective Health (ABRASCO). Member of the Research Ethics Committee (CEP), Member of the Committee on Institutional Policies for Undergraduate Degrees (CPIL), Member of the Committee on Internship Policies at UNIVASF. Creator and organizer of book collections, the current ones being: Physical Education and Sport Sciences in their different perspectives - 1 volume; International Handbook for the Advancement of Public Health Policies - 4 volumes; Quality of life and health in an interdisciplinary perspective - 12 volumes; and, Social Representations in contemporaneity - 6 volumes. He has experience in teaching at different levels: doctorate, master's, specialization, undergraduate, technical education, pre-university entrance exam (UPT) and basic education. Ad Hoc Reviewer and Editorial Member of Scientific Journals. During the Master's (2011-2012) and Doctorate (2015-2017) he was a CAPES Research Fellow and Master's Student Representative. He has abstracts published in proceedings of events, papers and articles published in Argentina, Brazil, Spain, England and Portugal. He has experience in the areas of teaching, research and extension related to education and health, with an emphasis on Social Representations; Collective Health and Public Health; Public Health Policies; Supervised internship; Health Conditions and Quality of Life; Physical Education in Early Childhood Education; General Didactics and Physical Education; Scientific research methodology.


Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco




Articles published in
Health Academy Kastamonu
Health Academy Kastamonu
Section Editor
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