Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 27 Issue: 3, 838 - 853, 03.09.2024


Bituminous shales are generally observed in the upper lithologies of coal series in many coal fields in Turkey. Among these lithologies, bituminous mudstones are generally bituminous shale or bituminous marl and almost all of them were deposited under fresh lake water conditions and their organic matter types are Type-I kerogen. The organic matter types are predominantly Type-I kerogen. However, the bituminous rocks in the Ilgın basin exhibit characteristics of bituminous claystone, with the organic matter type identified as Type-II kerogen. This is attributed to the presence of silica-shelled diatom algae that thrived in salty lake water conditions. This study aims to investigate the relationship between the lake's salinity conditions and the diatom algae responsible for the organic matter, providing insights into the deposition conditions of these organic-rich rocks (average TOC:33.36%). In paleo-salinity studies conducted in the Ilgın (Konya) bituminous claystone deposition basin, key ratios such as Sr/Ba(average:2.870, range:1.32-5.24), Rb/K (average:0.0062,range:0.0036-0.0089), and %TOC/%S (average:1.0033,range:0.38-3.36) were examined. The results indicated consistent paleo-salinity reconstructions, affirming the presence of saltwater conditions in the lake. To identify the source of silicon in detrital sedimentary rocks, the study explored whether it originated from detrital quartz or from biogenic shells. It was determined that the silicon in the bituminous claystone samples in the Ilgın lake basin originated from siliceous diatoms that lived in salty shallow lake water conditions


  • Akbulut, A., Udoh, A.U., Akbulut. (2015). Diatomlar ve paleolimnoloji çalışmalarındaki önemi. 16.Paleontoloji-Stratiğrafi çalıştayı.25-28 Ekim, Rize, 11 s.
  • Akkoca, D.B., Işık, Ü. (2018). Geochemistry of Paleozoic Dadaş Shales from the Foreland of Southeastern Turkey, Bismil, Diyarbakır. Periodico Di Mineralogia 87(3), 207-225.
  • Akkoca, D.B., Eriş, K.K., Çağatay, M.N., Biltekin, D. 2019. The mineralogical and geochemical composition of Holocene sediments from Lake Hazar, Elazığ, Eastern Turkey: implications for weathering, paleoclimate, redox conditions, provenance, and tectonic setting. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences. 28(5), 760-785.
  • Berner, R. A. (1984). Sedimentary pyrite formation: An update. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 48, 605–615.
  • Berner, R. A., Raiswell, R. (1983). Burial of organic carbon and pyrite sulfur in sediments over Phanerozoic time: A new theory. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 47, 855–862.
  • Berner, R. A., Raiswell, R. (1984). C/S method for distinguishing freshwater from marine sedimentary rocks. Geology, 12, 365–368.<365:CMFDFF>2.0.CO;2
  • Campbell, F. A., Williams, G. D. (1965). Chemical composition of shales of the Mannville Group (Lower Cretaceous) of central Alberta, Canada. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 49, 81–87.
  • Chen, B., Jahn, B. M., Tian, W. (2009). Evolution of the Solonker suture zone: constraints from zircon U-Pb ages, Hf isotopic ratios and whole-rock Nd–Sr isotope compositions of subduction and collision-related magmas and forearc sediments. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 34(3), 245–257.
  • Couch, E. L. (1971). Calculation of paleosalinities from boron and clay mineral data. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 55, 1829–1837.
  • Cox, E.J. (1996). Identification of Freswater Diatomsfrom Live Material. Chapman&Hall. First Edition, 158 pp.
  • Deng, H. W., Qian, K. (1993). Sedimentary geochemistry and environmental analysis. Gansu Science And Technology Press, Gansu (in Chinese).
  • Edlund, M. B., & Stoermer, E. F. (2000). A 200,000-year, high-resolution record of diatom productivity and community makeup from Lake Baikal shows high correspondence to the marine oxygen-isotope record of climate change. Limnology and Oceanography, 45, 948–962.
  • Fritz, S. C., Juggins, S., Battarbee, R. W. (1993). Diatom assemblages and ionic characterization of lakes of the Northern Great Plains, North America: A tool for reconstructing past salinity and climate fluctuations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 50(9), 1844–1856.
  • Gasse, F. (1987). Diatoms for reconstructing palaeoenvironments and palaeohydrology in tropical semi-arid zones. Examples of some lakes from Niger since 12,000 B.P. Hydrobiologia, 154, 127–163.
  • Gasse, F., Juggins, S., Khelifa, L. B. (1995). Diatom-Based transfer-functions for inferring past hydrochemica characteristics of African lakes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 117, 31–54.
  • Hüseyinca, M. Y., Eren, Y. (2007). Ilgın (Konya) kuzeyinin stratigrafisi ve tektonik evrimi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 23, 1–2.
  • Kelly, M.G., Whitton, B.A. (1995). The Trophic Diatom Index: a new index for monitoring eutrophication in rivers. J. Appl. Phycol., 7: 433-444.
  • Karayiğit, A. I., Akgün, F., Gayer, R. A., Temel, A. (1999). Quality, Palynology, And Paleoenvironmental İnterpretion of The Ilgın Lignite, Turkey. International Journal of Coal Geology, 38, 219–236.
  • Krauskopf, K. B. (1956). Factors controlling the concentrations of thirteen rare metals in sea-water. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 9(1–2), 1-32, B1–B32.
  • Lan, X. H., Ma, D. X., Xu, M. G., Zhou, Q. W., Zhang, G. W. (1987). Some geochemical indicators of the Pearl River Delta and their facies significance. Marine Geololgy & Quaternary Geololgy, 7(1), 39–49.
  • Liu, Y. G., Schmitt, R. A. (1984). Chemical profiles in sediment and basalt samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 74, Hole 525A, Walvis Ridge. In T. C. Jr. Moore, & P. D. Rabinowitz (Eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 74, (pp. 713-730). U.S. Govt. Printing Office.
  • Liu, Z.J., Yang, L. H., Dong, Q. S., Zhu, J. W., Guo, W., Ye, S.Q., Liu, R., Meng, Q.T., Zhang, H. L., Gan, S.C. (2009). Oil shale in China. Petroleum Industry Press, Beijing (in Chinese with English abstract).
  • Liu, B. J. (1980). Sedimentary Petrology, Geological Press: Beijing, China,13–89, (in Chinese).
  • Nıelsen, J.K., Görmüş, M., Uysal, K., Kanbur, S. (2015). Miyosen yaşlı Güneyce formasyonu (Güneybatı Türkiye) iz fosilleri, çökelme ortamı ve oksijen durumu. 16.Paleontoloji-Stratiğrafi çalıştayı.25-28 Ekim,Rize, sayfa 48.
  • Ocakoğlu, F., Tunoğlu, C., Dönmez, E.O., Açıkalın, S. (2011). Çubuk Gölünün (Bolu, KB Anadolu) Sedimantolojik, Jeokimyasal ve Paleoekolojik Araçlarla Paleoiklimsel İncelemesi. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Proje No: 109Y353, Eskişehir.
  • Pais, I., Jones, Jr., J. B. (1997). The Handbook of Trace Elements. St. Luice Press, Boca Raton.
  • Pehlivanlı, B.Y. (2019). Petrollü şeyllerin element karakteristikleri ve organik maddenin paleo-sedimanter şartlarını kontrol eden faktörler; Çeltek formasyonu petrollü şeylleri, Sorgun-Yozgat/Türkiye. MTA Dergisi,158: 255-268.
  • Round, F. E. (1981). The Ecology of Algae. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 653 p.
  • Sarı, A., Ismayılzada, K., Pehlivanlı, B. Y., Erol, F. (2023). The Relationship between Depositional Processes and Biological Productivity of Bituminous Claystones: Ilgın (Konya) Field. General Topics in Geology and Earth Sciences 1, 23–40 (Chapter II).
  • Sageman, B. B., Lyons, T. W. (2009). Geochemistry of Fine-grained Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks in Holland. In H.D. Holland, & K. K. Turekian (Eds.), Readings from the Treatise on Geochemistry, 424–456. Elsevier.
  • Solak, C. N. (2011). The Application of Diatom Indices in the Upper Porsuk Creek Kütahya – Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 11, 31-36.
  • Tokatlı,C. (2012). Sucul sitemlerin izlenmesinde bazı diyatome indekslerinin kullanılması: Gürleyik Çayı örneği (Eskişehir). DPÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 29, 21-28.
  • Taylor, J.C., Harding, W.R., Archibald, C.G.M. 2007. An Illustrated Guide to Some Common Diatom Species From South Africa. Report to the waterre search commision.
  • Taylor, S.R., McClennan, S.M. (1985). The continental crust; its composition and evolution; 1402 an examination of the geochemical record preserved in sedimentary rocks. Blackwell 1403 Scientific Publication, Oxford (312 pp).
  • Vosoughi Moradi, A., Sarı, A., Akkaya, A. (2016). Geochemistry of the Miocene oil shale (Hançili Formation) in the Çankırı-Çorum Basin, Central Turkey: Implications for Paleoclimate conditions, source–area weathering, provenance and tectonic setting. Sedimentary Geology 341, 289–303. Wang, A. (1996). Discriminant Effect of Sedimentary Environment by the Sr/Ba Ratio of Different Existing Forms. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica 3(2), 297–304.
  • Wang, Y., Wu, P. (1983). Geochemical criteria of sediments in the coastal area of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. J Tongji University, 4, 79− 87 (in Chinese).
  • Wei, W., Algeo, T.J. (2020). Elemental proxies for paleosalinity analysis of ancient shales and mudrocks. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 287, 341−366.
  • Wei, W., Algeo, T. J., Lu, Y., Lu, Y. C., Liu, H., Zhang, S., Peng, L., Zhang, J., Chen, L. (2018). Identifying marine incursions into the Paleogene Bohai Bay Basin lake system in northeastern China. International Journal of Coal Geology 200, 1–17.
  • Whitton, B.A., Kelly, M.G. 1995. Use of algae and other plants for monitoring rivers. Aust. J. Ecol. 20, 45-56.
  • Yang, S. Y., Li, C. X., Yang, D. Y., Li, X. S. (2004a). Chemical weathering of the loess deposits in the lower Changjiang Valley, China and paleoclimatic implications. Quaternary International 117(1), 27–34.
  • Yang, S. Y., Jung, H. S., Li, C. (2004b). Two unique weathering regimes in the Changjiang and Huanghe drainage Basins: geochemical evidence from river sediments. Sedimentary Geololgy 164(1), 19–34.
  • Yıldız, A., Yümün, Z.Ü., Meriç, E. (2015). İznik gölü sondaj karotlarında tanımlanan Kuvaterner diatom topluluğu ve paleoortam yorumu. 16. Paleontoloji-Stratiğrafi çalıştayı. 25-28 Ekim, Rize, 64 s.
  • Zheng, R. C., Liu, M.Q. (1999). Study on palaeosalinity of Chang 26 oil reservoir set in Ordos Basin. Oil & Gas Geology, 20(1), 20–25. https://10.11743/ogg19990105


Year 2024, Volume: 27 Issue: 3, 838 - 853, 03.09.2024


Bitümlü şeyller ülkemizdeki pek çok kömür sahasında genel olarak kömürlü serilerin üst litolojilerinde gözlenmektedir. Bu litolojilerden bitümlü çamurtaşları genel olarak bitümlü şeyl ya da bitümlü marn şeklindedir ve bunların neredeyse tamamı tatlı göl suyu koşullarında çökelmiş olup organik madde türleri ise Tip-I kerojendir. Halbuki, inceleme konusu olan Ilgın Havzası'ndaki bitümlü kayaçlar bitümlü kiltaşı özelliğinde olup organik madde türü ise tuzlu göl suyu koşullarında yaşamış olan silis kavkılı diyatome türü alglere bağlı olarak, Tip-II kerojendir. Bu çalışmada, organik maddece çok zengin (%TOC-ort:33.36) olan bu kayaçların çökelim koşullarının daha iyi anlaşılabilmesi için gölün tuzluluk koşulları ile organik maddeyi oluşturan diyatome türü algler arasındaki ilişki araştırılmıştır. Ilgın (Konya) bitümlü kiltaşının çökeldiği havzada yapılan paleo-tuzluluk incelemelerinde; Sr/Ba (1.32-5.24) ort: 2.870, Rb/K (0.0036-0.0089) ort:0.0062 ve %TOC/%S (0.38-3.36) ort:1.0033 olup, yapılan paleo-tuzluluk yeniden yapılandırmalarının birbirleriyle uyumlu oldukları ve gölün tuzlu su koşullarında olduğu belirlenmiştir. Detritik sedimanter kayaçlardaki silisyumun kaynağı ya detritik kaynaklı kuvars ya da biyojenik kavkı kaynaklı silisyumdur. Ilgın göl havzasında bitümlü kiltaşı örneklerindeki silisyumun tuzlu sığ göl suyu koşullarında yaşamış silis kavkılı diyatomelerden kaynaklandığı belirlenmiştir.


Yazarlar, bu makaleyi eğitim-öğretimindeki 90. yıl münasebetiyle (1934-2024) Ankara Üniversitesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü’ne (Ankara Jeoloji) ithaf ederler. Bitümlü kiltaşı örneklerinde Majör ve Minör element analizleri Ankara Üniversitesi YEBİM laboratuvarında ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometry) model cihaz kullanılarak yapılmış olup, kendilerine teşekkür ederiz.


  • Akbulut, A., Udoh, A.U., Akbulut. (2015). Diatomlar ve paleolimnoloji çalışmalarındaki önemi. 16.Paleontoloji-Stratiğrafi çalıştayı.25-28 Ekim, Rize, 11 s.
  • Akkoca, D.B., Işık, Ü. (2018). Geochemistry of Paleozoic Dadaş Shales from the Foreland of Southeastern Turkey, Bismil, Diyarbakır. Periodico Di Mineralogia 87(3), 207-225.
  • Akkoca, D.B., Eriş, K.K., Çağatay, M.N., Biltekin, D. 2019. The mineralogical and geochemical composition of Holocene sediments from Lake Hazar, Elazığ, Eastern Turkey: implications for weathering, paleoclimate, redox conditions, provenance, and tectonic setting. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences. 28(5), 760-785.
  • Berner, R. A. (1984). Sedimentary pyrite formation: An update. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 48, 605–615.
  • Berner, R. A., Raiswell, R. (1983). Burial of organic carbon and pyrite sulfur in sediments over Phanerozoic time: A new theory. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 47, 855–862.
  • Berner, R. A., Raiswell, R. (1984). C/S method for distinguishing freshwater from marine sedimentary rocks. Geology, 12, 365–368.<365:CMFDFF>2.0.CO;2
  • Campbell, F. A., Williams, G. D. (1965). Chemical composition of shales of the Mannville Group (Lower Cretaceous) of central Alberta, Canada. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 49, 81–87.
  • Chen, B., Jahn, B. M., Tian, W. (2009). Evolution of the Solonker suture zone: constraints from zircon U-Pb ages, Hf isotopic ratios and whole-rock Nd–Sr isotope compositions of subduction and collision-related magmas and forearc sediments. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 34(3), 245–257.
  • Couch, E. L. (1971). Calculation of paleosalinities from boron and clay mineral data. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 55, 1829–1837.
  • Cox, E.J. (1996). Identification of Freswater Diatomsfrom Live Material. Chapman&Hall. First Edition, 158 pp.
  • Deng, H. W., Qian, K. (1993). Sedimentary geochemistry and environmental analysis. Gansu Science And Technology Press, Gansu (in Chinese).
  • Edlund, M. B., & Stoermer, E. F. (2000). A 200,000-year, high-resolution record of diatom productivity and community makeup from Lake Baikal shows high correspondence to the marine oxygen-isotope record of climate change. Limnology and Oceanography, 45, 948–962.
  • Fritz, S. C., Juggins, S., Battarbee, R. W. (1993). Diatom assemblages and ionic characterization of lakes of the Northern Great Plains, North America: A tool for reconstructing past salinity and climate fluctuations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 50(9), 1844–1856.
  • Gasse, F. (1987). Diatoms for reconstructing palaeoenvironments and palaeohydrology in tropical semi-arid zones. Examples of some lakes from Niger since 12,000 B.P. Hydrobiologia, 154, 127–163.
  • Gasse, F., Juggins, S., Khelifa, L. B. (1995). Diatom-Based transfer-functions for inferring past hydrochemica characteristics of African lakes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 117, 31–54.
  • Hüseyinca, M. Y., Eren, Y. (2007). Ilgın (Konya) kuzeyinin stratigrafisi ve tektonik evrimi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 23, 1–2.
  • Kelly, M.G., Whitton, B.A. (1995). The Trophic Diatom Index: a new index for monitoring eutrophication in rivers. J. Appl. Phycol., 7: 433-444.
  • Karayiğit, A. I., Akgün, F., Gayer, R. A., Temel, A. (1999). Quality, Palynology, And Paleoenvironmental İnterpretion of The Ilgın Lignite, Turkey. International Journal of Coal Geology, 38, 219–236.
  • Krauskopf, K. B. (1956). Factors controlling the concentrations of thirteen rare metals in sea-water. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 9(1–2), 1-32, B1–B32.
  • Lan, X. H., Ma, D. X., Xu, M. G., Zhou, Q. W., Zhang, G. W. (1987). Some geochemical indicators of the Pearl River Delta and their facies significance. Marine Geololgy & Quaternary Geololgy, 7(1), 39–49.
  • Liu, Y. G., Schmitt, R. A. (1984). Chemical profiles in sediment and basalt samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 74, Hole 525A, Walvis Ridge. In T. C. Jr. Moore, & P. D. Rabinowitz (Eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 74, (pp. 713-730). U.S. Govt. Printing Office.
  • Liu, Z.J., Yang, L. H., Dong, Q. S., Zhu, J. W., Guo, W., Ye, S.Q., Liu, R., Meng, Q.T., Zhang, H. L., Gan, S.C. (2009). Oil shale in China. Petroleum Industry Press, Beijing (in Chinese with English abstract).
  • Liu, B. J. (1980). Sedimentary Petrology, Geological Press: Beijing, China,13–89, (in Chinese).
  • Nıelsen, J.K., Görmüş, M., Uysal, K., Kanbur, S. (2015). Miyosen yaşlı Güneyce formasyonu (Güneybatı Türkiye) iz fosilleri, çökelme ortamı ve oksijen durumu. 16.Paleontoloji-Stratiğrafi çalıştayı.25-28 Ekim,Rize, sayfa 48.
  • Ocakoğlu, F., Tunoğlu, C., Dönmez, E.O., Açıkalın, S. (2011). Çubuk Gölünün (Bolu, KB Anadolu) Sedimantolojik, Jeokimyasal ve Paleoekolojik Araçlarla Paleoiklimsel İncelemesi. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Proje No: 109Y353, Eskişehir.
  • Pais, I., Jones, Jr., J. B. (1997). The Handbook of Trace Elements. St. Luice Press, Boca Raton.
  • Pehlivanlı, B.Y. (2019). Petrollü şeyllerin element karakteristikleri ve organik maddenin paleo-sedimanter şartlarını kontrol eden faktörler; Çeltek formasyonu petrollü şeylleri, Sorgun-Yozgat/Türkiye. MTA Dergisi,158: 255-268.
  • Round, F. E. (1981). The Ecology of Algae. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 653 p.
  • Sarı, A., Ismayılzada, K., Pehlivanlı, B. Y., Erol, F. (2023). The Relationship between Depositional Processes and Biological Productivity of Bituminous Claystones: Ilgın (Konya) Field. General Topics in Geology and Earth Sciences 1, 23–40 (Chapter II).
  • Sageman, B. B., Lyons, T. W. (2009). Geochemistry of Fine-grained Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks in Holland. In H.D. Holland, & K. K. Turekian (Eds.), Readings from the Treatise on Geochemistry, 424–456. Elsevier.
  • Solak, C. N. (2011). The Application of Diatom Indices in the Upper Porsuk Creek Kütahya – Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 11, 31-36.
  • Tokatlı,C. (2012). Sucul sitemlerin izlenmesinde bazı diyatome indekslerinin kullanılması: Gürleyik Çayı örneği (Eskişehir). DPÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 29, 21-28.
  • Taylor, J.C., Harding, W.R., Archibald, C.G.M. 2007. An Illustrated Guide to Some Common Diatom Species From South Africa. Report to the waterre search commision.
  • Taylor, S.R., McClennan, S.M. (1985). The continental crust; its composition and evolution; 1402 an examination of the geochemical record preserved in sedimentary rocks. Blackwell 1403 Scientific Publication, Oxford (312 pp).
  • Vosoughi Moradi, A., Sarı, A., Akkaya, A. (2016). Geochemistry of the Miocene oil shale (Hançili Formation) in the Çankırı-Çorum Basin, Central Turkey: Implications for Paleoclimate conditions, source–area weathering, provenance and tectonic setting. Sedimentary Geology 341, 289–303. Wang, A. (1996). Discriminant Effect of Sedimentary Environment by the Sr/Ba Ratio of Different Existing Forms. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica 3(2), 297–304.
  • Wang, Y., Wu, P. (1983). Geochemical criteria of sediments in the coastal area of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. J Tongji University, 4, 79− 87 (in Chinese).
  • Wei, W., Algeo, T.J. (2020). Elemental proxies for paleosalinity analysis of ancient shales and mudrocks. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 287, 341−366.
  • Wei, W., Algeo, T. J., Lu, Y., Lu, Y. C., Liu, H., Zhang, S., Peng, L., Zhang, J., Chen, L. (2018). Identifying marine incursions into the Paleogene Bohai Bay Basin lake system in northeastern China. International Journal of Coal Geology 200, 1–17.
  • Whitton, B.A., Kelly, M.G. 1995. Use of algae and other plants for monitoring rivers. Aust. J. Ecol. 20, 45-56.
  • Yang, S. Y., Li, C. X., Yang, D. Y., Li, X. S. (2004a). Chemical weathering of the loess deposits in the lower Changjiang Valley, China and paleoclimatic implications. Quaternary International 117(1), 27–34.
  • Yang, S. Y., Jung, H. S., Li, C. (2004b). Two unique weathering regimes in the Changjiang and Huanghe drainage Basins: geochemical evidence from river sediments. Sedimentary Geololgy 164(1), 19–34.
  • Yıldız, A., Yümün, Z.Ü., Meriç, E. (2015). İznik gölü sondaj karotlarında tanımlanan Kuvaterner diatom topluluğu ve paleoortam yorumu. 16. Paleontoloji-Stratiğrafi çalıştayı. 25-28 Ekim, Rize, 64 s.
  • Zheng, R. C., Liu, M.Q. (1999). Study on palaeosalinity of Chang 26 oil reservoir set in Ordos Basin. Oil & Gas Geology, 20(1), 20–25. https://10.11743/ogg19990105
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Mineral Stratum and Geochemistry
Journal Section Geological Engineering

Ali Sarı 0000-0001-6289-3332

Kamal Ismayılzada 0000-0002-0960-0286

Elif Akıska 0000-0002-6180-4710

Fuat Erol 0009-0008-5830-3860

Publication Date September 3, 2024
Submission Date February 2, 2024
Acceptance Date May 31, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024Volume: 27 Issue: 3


APA Sarı, A., Ismayılzada, K., Akıska, E., Erol, F. (2024). GÖL ORTAMINDA OLUŞMUŞ BİTÜMLÜ KİLTAŞI ÇÖKELLERİNDE HAVZANIN PALEO-TUZLULUK İNCELEMELERİ: DİYATOME TÜRÜ ALGLERLE TUZLULUK ARASINDAKİ İLİŞKİ. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 27(3), 838-853.