Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 30 - 37, 03.03.2025


Antioksidan ve prooksidan olarak bilinen C vitamini, gıdalarda oluşabilecek kalıntı nitriti şelatlama özelliğine sahiptir. Bu özelliği ile kalıntı nitritten kaynaklanabilecek kanserojen nitrozamin radikallerinin oluşum riskini azaltma özelliğine sahiptir. Bu çalışmanın temel hedefi, füme balıklarda C vitamininin, biyojenik amin ve tüm bunlara bağlı olarak kanserojen nitrozaminlerin oluşumunu azaltmadaki koruyucu etkisini belirlemektir. Bu bağlamda, füme balık örnekleri C vitamini muamele edilmiş ve edilmemiş deney grupları halinde hazırlanarak incelenmiş ve farklı depolama sürelerinde ±4ºC'de depolanmıştır. Bu bağlamda, putresin (PUT), kadaverin (CAD), tiramin (TYR) ve histamin (HIS) değerleri depolama srasında değişmiştir. Öte yandan nitrosamin olarak, örneklerdeki nitrosodimetilamin (NDMA), nitrosopiperidin (NPIP), nitrosopirrolidin (NPYR), nitrosodibutilamin (NDBA) değerleri belirlenmiştir. Deneysel verilere göre en düşük biyojenik amin değerleri N2 grubunda bulunmuştur. Deney gruplarının 30 günlük depolamadan sonra sırasıyla 2.41, 3.66, 0.13 ve 1.17 (µg/g) biyojenik amin değerlerine sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar, C vitamini eklenen grupların diğer gruplara göre daha düşük histamin ve putresin değerlerine sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca nitrit içeren gruplarda 30 günlük depolamadan sonra NDMA, NPYR, NPYR tespit edilmiştir. Son olarak askorbik asit içeren grupların biyojenik amin ve nitrozamin içeriği açısından daha iyi olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Tüm bu deneysel sonuçlar, C vitamininin gıdalarda kanserojen nitrozamin radikallerinin oluşumunu önlemek amacıyla koruyucu olarak kullanılabileceğini göstermektedir.

Ethical Statement

Not necessary.

Supporting Institution

Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ömer Halisdemir ve RTE Üniversitesi


This study was supported by Hacettepe University, Nigde University, Recep Tayyip Erdogan University and Bagci Fishery Co. in Turkey. The authors would kindly like to thank for every contributions and corporations.


  • Ahn, H. J., Kim, J. H., Jo, C., Lee, J. W., Yook, H. S., & Byun, M. W. (2004). Effect of gamma irradiation on residual nitrite, residual ascorbate, color and N- nitros amines of cooked sausage during storage. Food Control, 15, 197- 2003.
  • Andrade, R., Reyes F. G.R. , Rath, S. (2005). A method for the determination of volatile N-nitrosamines in food by Hs-Spme-Gc-Tea. Food Chemistry, 91 (1)173-179.
  • Bogovski P, Bogovski S. (1981). Animal species in which N-nitroso compounds induce cancer. Int. J. Cancer. 27: 471-474.
  • Bruce Tompkin,R. (2005). Nitrite, in Antimicrobials in Food, Third Edition, Edited by P. Michael Davidson, John, N. Sofos, A. L. Branen, c. 6, 171-216.
  • Flick, G. J., Oria, M. P., Douglas, L. (2001). Potential hazards in cold-smoked fish: Biogenic amines. Journal of Food Science- Supplement to Vol. 66, 7.
  • Frankel, E. N. (1996). Antioxidants in lipid foods and their impact on food quality. Food Chemistry, 57(1) 51-55.
  • Hamre, K., Lie, Ø., Sandnes, K. (2003). Development of lipid oxidation and flesh colour in frozen stored fillets of Norvagian spring spawning herring(Lupea herangus L.) effect of treatment with ascorbic acid. Food Chem., 82, 447-453.
  • Kilic, A. & Oztan, A. (2013). Effect of ascorbic acid utilization on cold-smoked fish quality (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during process and storage. Food Science Technology Research, 19, 823-831.
  • Kilic, A. & Oztan, A. (2015). Preservative characteristics of ascorbic acid on color, texture and fatty acid of cold-smoked fish, International Journal of Food Engineering. 12(1) 49–61.
  • Li, L., Shao, J., Zhu, X., Zhou, G. & Xu, X. (2013) Effect of plant polyphenolsand ascorbic acid on lipid oxidation, residual nitrite and N-nitrosaminesformation in dry-cured sausage.International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 48, 1157–1164.
  • Magee P. N., Barnes J. M. (1956). The production of malignant primary hepatic tumours in the rat by feeding dimethylnitrosamine. Br. J. Cancer. 10: 114-122.
  • Rezaei, M., Montazeri, N., Langrudi, H. E., Mokhayer, B., Parviz, M., Nazarini, A. (2007). The biogenic amines and bacterial changes of farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) stored in ice. Food Chemistry 103, 150–154.
  • Mirvish, S. S. (1995). Role of N-nitroso compounds (NOC) and N-nitrosation in etiology of gastric, esophageal and bladder cancer and contribution to cancer of known exposure to NOC. Cancer Letter, 93, 17-48.
  • Mirvish, S. S., Wallcave, L., Eagen, M., &Shubik, P. (1972). Ascorbate-nitrite reaction: Possible means of blocking the formation of carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds. Science, 177, 65-68.
  • Mirvish, S. S. (1986). Effects of vitamins C and E on N-nitroso compound formation, carcinogenesis, and cancer. Cancer. 1842-50.
  • Ozogul, F., Taylor, K. D. A., Quantick, P., Özogul, Y. (2002). Biogenic amines formation in Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) stored under modified atmosphere packaging using a rapid HPLC method, International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 37 (5), 515-522.
  • Sümbüloğlu, K., Sümbüloğlu, V. (2002). Biyoistatistik. Hatipoğlu Yayın Evi, Mareşal Çakmak C., 64-A, 10. baskı, Beşevler-ANKARA, 250-270.
  • Vural, H., Oztan, A. (1996). Et Ürünleri Kalite Kontrol Laboratuvarı Ugulama Kılavuzu. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Yayınları Yayın No: 36., ANKARA, 35-118.
  • Wasson, D. H., Reppond, K. D., Kandianis, T., M. (1991). Antioxidants to Preserve rockfish color. Journal of Food Science, 56(6)1564­1566.
  • Yen, G. C., Duh., P. D., Tsai., H. L. (2002). Antioxidant and pro-antioxidant properties of ascorbic acid and gallic acid. Food Chemistry, 79, 3.


Year 2025, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 30 - 37, 03.03.2025


Vitamin C, with its antioxidant and prooxidant properties, can prevent carcinogenic nitrosamine by chelating residual nitrite. It decreases the formation of nitrosamine. The objective of the study was to determine the protective effect of vitamin C in fish in reducing the formation of biogenic amines and the formation of nitrosamines. In this context, smoked samples were treated with vitamin C and analyzed by preparing in portions with different experiments and stored at ±4°C for different storage conditions. In this regard, putrescine(PUT), cadaverine(CAD), tyramine(TYR), and histamine(HIS) changed during storage. On the other hand, analyzes were also made for nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), nitrosopiperidine(NPIP), nitrosopyrrolidine(NPYR), nitrosodibutylamine(NDBA). The lowest biogenic amine values are detected in group N2. It was determined that groups had 2.41, 3.66, 0.13, and 1.17(μg/g) biogenic amine values after 30 days, respectively. The obtained results showed that vitamin C had lower histamine and putrescine values than other groups separately. In addition, NDMA, NPYR, and NPYR were detected in nitrite containing groups after 30 days. Finally, Vitamin C containing groups were found to be better in terms of biogenic amines and nitrosamines content. All these results show that vitamin C can be used as a preservative in foods to protect against carcinogens.


  • Ahn, H. J., Kim, J. H., Jo, C., Lee, J. W., Yook, H. S., & Byun, M. W. (2004). Effect of gamma irradiation on residual nitrite, residual ascorbate, color and N- nitros amines of cooked sausage during storage. Food Control, 15, 197- 2003.
  • Andrade, R., Reyes F. G.R. , Rath, S. (2005). A method for the determination of volatile N-nitrosamines in food by Hs-Spme-Gc-Tea. Food Chemistry, 91 (1)173-179.
  • Bogovski P, Bogovski S. (1981). Animal species in which N-nitroso compounds induce cancer. Int. J. Cancer. 27: 471-474.
  • Bruce Tompkin,R. (2005). Nitrite, in Antimicrobials in Food, Third Edition, Edited by P. Michael Davidson, John, N. Sofos, A. L. Branen, c. 6, 171-216.
  • Flick, G. J., Oria, M. P., Douglas, L. (2001). Potential hazards in cold-smoked fish: Biogenic amines. Journal of Food Science- Supplement to Vol. 66, 7.
  • Frankel, E. N. (1996). Antioxidants in lipid foods and their impact on food quality. Food Chemistry, 57(1) 51-55.
  • Hamre, K., Lie, Ø., Sandnes, K. (2003). Development of lipid oxidation and flesh colour in frozen stored fillets of Norvagian spring spawning herring(Lupea herangus L.) effect of treatment with ascorbic acid. Food Chem., 82, 447-453.
  • Kilic, A. & Oztan, A. (2013). Effect of ascorbic acid utilization on cold-smoked fish quality (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during process and storage. Food Science Technology Research, 19, 823-831.
  • Kilic, A. & Oztan, A. (2015). Preservative characteristics of ascorbic acid on color, texture and fatty acid of cold-smoked fish, International Journal of Food Engineering. 12(1) 49–61.
  • Li, L., Shao, J., Zhu, X., Zhou, G. & Xu, X. (2013) Effect of plant polyphenolsand ascorbic acid on lipid oxidation, residual nitrite and N-nitrosaminesformation in dry-cured sausage.International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 48, 1157–1164.
  • Magee P. N., Barnes J. M. (1956). The production of malignant primary hepatic tumours in the rat by feeding dimethylnitrosamine. Br. J. Cancer. 10: 114-122.
  • Rezaei, M., Montazeri, N., Langrudi, H. E., Mokhayer, B., Parviz, M., Nazarini, A. (2007). The biogenic amines and bacterial changes of farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) stored in ice. Food Chemistry 103, 150–154.
  • Mirvish, S. S. (1995). Role of N-nitroso compounds (NOC) and N-nitrosation in etiology of gastric, esophageal and bladder cancer and contribution to cancer of known exposure to NOC. Cancer Letter, 93, 17-48.
  • Mirvish, S. S., Wallcave, L., Eagen, M., &Shubik, P. (1972). Ascorbate-nitrite reaction: Possible means of blocking the formation of carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds. Science, 177, 65-68.
  • Mirvish, S. S. (1986). Effects of vitamins C and E on N-nitroso compound formation, carcinogenesis, and cancer. Cancer. 1842-50.
  • Ozogul, F., Taylor, K. D. A., Quantick, P., Özogul, Y. (2002). Biogenic amines formation in Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) stored under modified atmosphere packaging using a rapid HPLC method, International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 37 (5), 515-522.
  • Sümbüloğlu, K., Sümbüloğlu, V. (2002). Biyoistatistik. Hatipoğlu Yayın Evi, Mareşal Çakmak C., 64-A, 10. baskı, Beşevler-ANKARA, 250-270.
  • Vural, H., Oztan, A. (1996). Et Ürünleri Kalite Kontrol Laboratuvarı Ugulama Kılavuzu. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Yayınları Yayın No: 36., ANKARA, 35-118.
  • Wasson, D. H., Reppond, K. D., Kandianis, T., M. (1991). Antioxidants to Preserve rockfish color. Journal of Food Science, 56(6)1564­1566.
  • Yen, G. C., Duh., P. D., Tsai., H. L. (2002). Antioxidant and pro-antioxidant properties of ascorbic acid and gallic acid. Food Chemistry, 79, 3.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Food Engineering

Aydın Kılıç 0000-0002-8952-9909

Publication Date March 3, 2025
Submission Date July 2, 2024
Acceptance Date October 3, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025Volume: 28 Issue: 1


APA Kılıç, A. (2025). VITAMIN C ENRICHMENT APPLICATION TO REDUCE THE RISK OF CARCINOGENIC NITROSAMINE FORMATION IN SMOKED FISH. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 28(1), 30-37.