Year 2025,
Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 104 - 111, 03.03.2025
Nihan Babaoğlu
Mesut Ari
The present study aims at investigating numerically the effect of fluid temperature on the high-efficiency Stairmand type cyclone collection efficiency and pressure drop. Studies were conducted for six different temperature values in the range of 273.15 – 373.15 K (0 – 100 °C). Discretization of the solution domain generated fine meshes for consistent results. Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) was used to solve turbulent flow. The solution was performed as a transient in 1000 time-steps of 5 ms and 10000 iterations. Rosin-Rammler size distribution was used for particle size distribution. It was seen that the temperature increases negatively affected the collection efficiency and pressure drops. Fluid viscosity is increased effectively by increasing fluid temperature, then fluid-particle interaction increased. Increasing in temperature causes the particles move with the fluid and thus, collection efficiency decreased. Because of swirling flow weakening, conclusive results clearly seen that increasing the temperature of fluid reduces the pressure drop and collection efficiency. When increase the temperature, the pressures on the cyclone walls decreased.
- Abrahamson, J., Jones, R., Lau, A., & Reveley, S. (2002). Influence of entry duct bends on the performance of return-flow cyclone dust collectors. Powder Technology, 123(2–3), 126–137.
- Babaoğlu, N. U., Hosseini, S. H., Ahmadi, G., & Elsayed, K. (2022). The effect of axial cyclone inlet velocity and geometrical dimensions on the flow pattern, performance, and acoustic noise. Powder Technology, 407(July).
- Babaoğlu, N. U., Parvaz, F., Hosseini, S. H., Elsayed, K., & Ahmadi, G. (2021). Influence of the inlet cross-sectional shape on the performance of a multi-inlet gas cyclone. Powder Technology, 384, 82–99.
- Balestrin, E., Decker, R. K., Noriler, D., Bastos, J., & Meier, H. F. (2017). An alternative for the collection of small particles in cyclones: Experimental analysis and CFD modeling. Separation and Purification Technology, 184.
- Brar, L. S., & Elsayed, K. (2018). Analysis and optimization of cyclone separators with eccentric vortex finders using large eddy simulation and artificial neural network. Separation and Purification Technology, 207, 269–283.
- Brar, L. S., Sharma, R. P., & Elsayed, K. (2015). The effect of the cyclone length on the performance of Stairmand high-efficiency cyclone. Powder Technology, 286, 668–677.
- Chen, L., Xie, H., Xu, J., Dai, R., & Chen, J. (2018). Experimental and numerical study on the performance of an axial fan with a Gurney flap. In Advances in Mechanical Engineering (Vol. 10, Issue 10, p. 9).
- Demir, S. (2014). A practical model for estimating pressure drop in cyclone separators: An experimental study. Powder Technology, 268, 329–338.
- Elsayed, K., Parvaz, F., Hosseini, S. H., & Ahmadi, G. (2020). Influence of the dipleg and dustbin dimensions on performance of gas cyclones: An optimization study. Separation and Purification Technology, 239(September 2019).
- Gimbun, J., Chuah, T. G., Fakhru’l-Razi, A., & Choong, T. S. Y. (2005). The influence of temperature and inlet velocity on cyclone pressure drop: A CFD study. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 44(1), 7–12.
- Hosseini, E., Fatahian, H., & Fatahian, E. (2022). New understanding of the effect of particle mass loading on the performance of a square cyclone at low and high gas temperatures. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 39(12), 3482–3496.
- Misiulia, D., Andersson, A. G., & Lundström, T. S. (2017). Effects of the inlet angle on the collection efficiency of a cyclone with helical-roof inlet. Powder Technology, 305, 48–55.
- Park, D., & Go, J. S. (2020). Design of cyclone separator critical diameter model based on machine learning and cfd. Processes, 8(11), 1–13.
- Parvaz, F., Hosseini, S. H., Ahmadi, G., & Elsayed, K. (2017). Impacts of the vortex finder eccentricity on the flow pattern and performance of a gas cyclone. Separation and Purification Technology, 187, 1–13.
- Safikhani, H., Zamani, J., & Musa, M. (2018). Numerical study of flow field in new design cyclone separators with one, two and three tangential inlets. Advanced Powder Technology, 29(3), 611–622.
- Siadaty, M., Kheradmand, S., & Ghadiri, F. (2017). Study of inlet temperature effect on single and double inlets cyclone performance. Advanced Powder Technology, 28(6), 1459–1473.
- Surahmanto, F., Pamungkas, A., Agung Mutoha, D., Leman Soemowidagdo, A., Tri Sasongko, B., Sukardi, S., Lutfianto, R., & Rizky Pratama Hakim, M. (2024). Performance Evaluation of Square Cyclone Separator with Cone Geometry Variations. CFD Letters, 16(7), 136–149.
- Wasilewski, M., & Brar, L. S. (2019). Effect of the inlet duct angle on the performance of cyclone separators. Separation and Purification Technology, 213(December), 19–33.
- Zhao, B., Su, Y., & Zhang, J. (2006). Simulation of gas flow pattern and separation efficiency in cyclone with conventional single and spiral double inlet configuration. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 84(12 A), 1158–1165.
Year 2025,
Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 104 - 111, 03.03.2025
Nihan Babaoğlu
Mesut Ari
Bu çalışmada, yüksek verimli Stairmand (HE) tipi siklonda akışkan sıcaklığının toplama verimi ve basınç kayıplarına olan etkileri nümerik yöntemler kullanılarak ortaya koyulmuştur. 273,15 – 373,15 K (0 – 100 °C) aralığında altı farklı sıcaklık değeri için çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Sonuçların tutarlı olması için siklon geometrisi küçük elemanlar kullanılarak gridlenmiştir. Türbülanslı akışın çözümlenmesi için Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) kullanılmıştır. Çözümleme transient olarak 5 ms’lik 1000 adım ile 10000 iterasyon sonucunda ortaya koyulmuştur. Partikül boyut dağılımı için Rosin-Rammler boyut dağılımı kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda sıcaklık artışının toplama verimini olumsuz yönde etkilediği ve basınç kayıplarını azalttığı görülmüştür. Sıcaklık artışı akışkan vizkozitesini artırdığı için akışkan-partikül etkileşimi artmıştır. Buda partiküllerin akışkanla birlikte hareket etmesine ve toplama veriminin azalmasına neden olmuştur. Sıcaklık artışı ile birlikte, dönen akışın zayıflaması dolayısıyla basınç kaybının ve toplama verimliliğinin gözle görülür şekilde azaldığı görülmektedir. Sıcaklık artışıyla birlikte siklon duvarlarında oluşan basınçlar düşmüştür.
- Abrahamson, J., Jones, R., Lau, A., & Reveley, S. (2002). Influence of entry duct bends on the performance of return-flow cyclone dust collectors. Powder Technology, 123(2–3), 126–137.
- Babaoğlu, N. U., Hosseini, S. H., Ahmadi, G., & Elsayed, K. (2022). The effect of axial cyclone inlet velocity and geometrical dimensions on the flow pattern, performance, and acoustic noise. Powder Technology, 407(July).
- Babaoğlu, N. U., Parvaz, F., Hosseini, S. H., Elsayed, K., & Ahmadi, G. (2021). Influence of the inlet cross-sectional shape on the performance of a multi-inlet gas cyclone. Powder Technology, 384, 82–99.
- Balestrin, E., Decker, R. K., Noriler, D., Bastos, J., & Meier, H. F. (2017). An alternative for the collection of small particles in cyclones: Experimental analysis and CFD modeling. Separation and Purification Technology, 184.
- Brar, L. S., & Elsayed, K. (2018). Analysis and optimization of cyclone separators with eccentric vortex finders using large eddy simulation and artificial neural network. Separation and Purification Technology, 207, 269–283.
- Brar, L. S., Sharma, R. P., & Elsayed, K. (2015). The effect of the cyclone length on the performance of Stairmand high-efficiency cyclone. Powder Technology, 286, 668–677.
- Chen, L., Xie, H., Xu, J., Dai, R., & Chen, J. (2018). Experimental and numerical study on the performance of an axial fan with a Gurney flap. In Advances in Mechanical Engineering (Vol. 10, Issue 10, p. 9).
- Demir, S. (2014). A practical model for estimating pressure drop in cyclone separators: An experimental study. Powder Technology, 268, 329–338.
- Elsayed, K., Parvaz, F., Hosseini, S. H., & Ahmadi, G. (2020). Influence of the dipleg and dustbin dimensions on performance of gas cyclones: An optimization study. Separation and Purification Technology, 239(September 2019).
- Gimbun, J., Chuah, T. G., Fakhru’l-Razi, A., & Choong, T. S. Y. (2005). The influence of temperature and inlet velocity on cyclone pressure drop: A CFD study. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 44(1), 7–12.
- Hosseini, E., Fatahian, H., & Fatahian, E. (2022). New understanding of the effect of particle mass loading on the performance of a square cyclone at low and high gas temperatures. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 39(12), 3482–3496.
- Misiulia, D., Andersson, A. G., & Lundström, T. S. (2017). Effects of the inlet angle on the collection efficiency of a cyclone with helical-roof inlet. Powder Technology, 305, 48–55.
- Park, D., & Go, J. S. (2020). Design of cyclone separator critical diameter model based on machine learning and cfd. Processes, 8(11), 1–13.
- Parvaz, F., Hosseini, S. H., Ahmadi, G., & Elsayed, K. (2017). Impacts of the vortex finder eccentricity on the flow pattern and performance of a gas cyclone. Separation and Purification Technology, 187, 1–13.
- Safikhani, H., Zamani, J., & Musa, M. (2018). Numerical study of flow field in new design cyclone separators with one, two and three tangential inlets. Advanced Powder Technology, 29(3), 611–622.
- Siadaty, M., Kheradmand, S., & Ghadiri, F. (2017). Study of inlet temperature effect on single and double inlets cyclone performance. Advanced Powder Technology, 28(6), 1459–1473.
- Surahmanto, F., Pamungkas, A., Agung Mutoha, D., Leman Soemowidagdo, A., Tri Sasongko, B., Sukardi, S., Lutfianto, R., & Rizky Pratama Hakim, M. (2024). Performance Evaluation of Square Cyclone Separator with Cone Geometry Variations. CFD Letters, 16(7), 136–149.
- Wasilewski, M., & Brar, L. S. (2019). Effect of the inlet duct angle on the performance of cyclone separators. Separation and Purification Technology, 213(December), 19–33.
- Zhao, B., Su, Y., & Zhang, J. (2006). Simulation of gas flow pattern and separation efficiency in cyclone with conventional single and spiral double inlet configuration. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 84(12 A), 1158–1165.