In this study, in cotton factories located in
Kahramanmaraş, waste cotton fibers which are not suitable for cellulose fiber
yarns called “air particle vacuum dust” (APVD) have been evaluated. For this
purpose, the waste was firstly washed with tap water and then, boiled at 90 °C
with 17.5% NaOH. This batch was bleached at 90 oC by H2O2
in basic solution without drying. The cellulose obtained was then mercerized by
NaOH in cold temperature. Hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose which has three
different substitution degree [high (HPMC-H), medium (HPMC-M) and low (HPMC-L)]
was then synthesized with propyleneoxide (PO) and methylchloride in the
heterogeneous reaction media. The structures of the synthesized HPMCs were
characterized by FT-IR and XRD. Thermal behaviors of HPMCs were investigated by
the DTA-TG method and their surface morphology was analyzed by the SEM method.
The viscosities of HPMCs samples were determined and to be the highest 820 cP.
Amin M., Hussain M.A., Batool Bukhari S.A., Sher M., Shafiq Z. (2017). Green Synthesis and Isoconversional Thermal Analysis of Hpmc Acetate: A Potent Matrix For Drug Delivery, Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 51 (3-4), 245-252.
Burdock G.A. (2007). Safety assessment of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose as a food ingredient, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 45, 2341–2351.
Ciolacu D., Ciolacu F., Popa V.I. (2011). Amorphous cellulose – structure and characterızatıon, Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 45 (1-2), 13-21.
Nevell T.P, Zeronian S.H. (1985). Cellulose Chemistry and Its Applications. New York: Halsted Press, John Wiley, 22–26.
Park S., Baker J.O., Himmel M.E., Parilla P.A., Johnson D.K. (2010). Cellulose crystallinity index: measurement techniques and their impact on interpreting cellulase performance, Biotechnology for Biofuels, 3,1-10.
Prabhu D.M., Li W.J. (2015). The most abundant and natural source: cellulose and its derivatives and their applications. In: Mondal IH, editor. Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives: Synthesis, Modification and Applications. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc., 3–16.
Roy S., Pal K., Thakur G., Prabhakar B. (2010). Synthesis of Novel Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose Acrylate— A Novel Superdisintegrating Agent for Pharmaceutical Applications, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 25, 1477–1481.
Wang L., Dong W., Xu Y. (2007). Synthesis and characterization of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and ethyl acrylate graft copolymers, Carbohydrate Polymers, 68, 626–636.
Varshney V.K., Naithani S. (2011). Chemical functionalization of cellulose derived from nonconventional sources. In: Kalia S, editor. Cellulose Fibers: Bio- and Nano-Polymer Composites. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin, 43–60.
Klima Tozundan Hidroksipropilmetil Selüloz (HPMC) Sentezi ve Karakterizasyonu
Bu çalışmada, Kahramanmaraş’ta bulunan tekstil fabrikalarında atık olarak çıkan ve
“klima toz”u (APVD) olarak
adlandırılan selüloz içerikli iplik olmaya elverişsiz pamuk lifleri
değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla, ilk olarak atık klima tozu musluk suyu ile
yığın halinde yıkanarak % 17,5’luk NaOH ile 90 oC’de pişirilmiştir.
Bu yığın kurutulmadan NaOH ve H2O2 ile 90 oC’de
ağartılmıştır. Sonra elde edilen selüloz NaOH ile soğuk ortamda merserize
edilmiştir. Daha sonra selülozunun, propilenoksit (PO) ve metilklorür ile
heterojen reaksiyonundan, yüksek (HPMC-H), orta (HPMC-M) ve düşük (HPMC-L)
sübsitasyon derecesine sahip üç farklı hidroksipropilmetil selüloz (HPMC)
sentezlen-miştir. Sentezlenen HPMC’lerin yapıları FT-IR ve XRD spektroskopisi
ile aydınlatılarak DTA-TG ile termal davranışları, SEM ile yüzey morfolojileri
incelenmiştir. HPMC örneklerinin viskoziteleri tayin edilip en yüksek değer 820 cP olarak bulunmuştur.
Amin M., Hussain M.A., Batool Bukhari S.A., Sher M., Shafiq Z. (2017). Green Synthesis and Isoconversional Thermal Analysis of Hpmc Acetate: A Potent Matrix For Drug Delivery, Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 51 (3-4), 245-252.
Burdock G.A. (2007). Safety assessment of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose as a food ingredient, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 45, 2341–2351.
Ciolacu D., Ciolacu F., Popa V.I. (2011). Amorphous cellulose – structure and characterızatıon, Cellulose Chemistry and Technology, 45 (1-2), 13-21.
Nevell T.P, Zeronian S.H. (1985). Cellulose Chemistry and Its Applications. New York: Halsted Press, John Wiley, 22–26.
Park S., Baker J.O., Himmel M.E., Parilla P.A., Johnson D.K. (2010). Cellulose crystallinity index: measurement techniques and their impact on interpreting cellulase performance, Biotechnology for Biofuels, 3,1-10.
Prabhu D.M., Li W.J. (2015). The most abundant and natural source: cellulose and its derivatives and their applications. In: Mondal IH, editor. Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives: Synthesis, Modification and Applications. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc., 3–16.
Roy S., Pal K., Thakur G., Prabhakar B. (2010). Synthesis of Novel Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose Acrylate— A Novel Superdisintegrating Agent for Pharmaceutical Applications, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 25, 1477–1481.
Wang L., Dong W., Xu Y. (2007). Synthesis and characterization of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and ethyl acrylate graft copolymers, Carbohydrate Polymers, 68, 626–636.
Varshney V.K., Naithani S. (2011). Chemical functionalization of cellulose derived from nonconventional sources. In: Kalia S, editor. Cellulose Fibers: Bio- and Nano-Polymer Composites. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin, 43–60.
Toplam 9 adet kaynakça vardır.
Çevre Mühendisliği
Araştırma Makalesi
Cengiz Ayhan Zıba
Sümeyye Akarsu
Nuran Çelikçi
Mustafa Dolaz
Zıba, C. A., Akarsu, S., Çelikçi, N., Dolaz, M. (2017). Klima Tozundan Hidroksipropilmetil Selüloz (HPMC) Sentezi ve Karakterizasyonu. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 20(4), 23-29.