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Year 2024,
Volume: 27 Issue: 4, 1375 - 1400, 03.12.2024
The rapid transformation of Internet-based network technologies increases the participation of individuals in virtual environments day by day. The internet environment is also used extensively by individuals who aim to illegally obtain other people's data. In the cyber world, the problematic of acquisition behavior and piracy is shifting from physical to digital spaces. In this study, query monitoring was carried out through the customized Domain Name System introduced against illegal transactions in cyberspace. During the implementation process, queries and other analyses were tracked using a one-month set of fully measured and precise data streams. Follow content primarily conducted through the application specified in the scope of the analysis for filtering, filtering in the list according to the analysis of a total of 64, 48 foreign filter (%87,3) Turkish as a filter 7 units (%12,7), and 9 common feature filters which filter typology emerges. Regarding the query; four basic value systems have been created and the system has been created in the form of the Number of Domain Name System Queries, the Number of Obstacles, Malware and Phishing, and Adult Content Sites. In the study, the levels of crime typologies are statistically analyzed through IP and DNS samples over the relevant directive.
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There are 188 citations in total.
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Information Systems Development Methodologies and Practice
Aydemir, M. (2024). SİBERUZAMDA SUÇ TİPOLOJİLERİ VE SİBER İLETİŞİM TABANLI ÇÖZÜMLEME MODELİNİN ANALİZİ. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 27(4), 1375-1400.