Writing Rules

Writing Rules and Formatting Features

The paper structure should fit A4 paper size with all margins set to 2 cm. Both Turkish and English titles should be relevant to the article's topic, clearly state its purpose and outcome, and be concise and straightforward. The article title should be bold, with initial capital letters, centered, and written in 14-point Times New Roman font. In Turkish articles, the English title should be provided before the abstract.
The main text should be written in 12-point Times New Roman font, with a 1.5 line spacing and justified alignment. Main section headings should be numbered, initial letters capitalized, and written in bold. A 1.5 line spacing should follow the main section heading. A line space should also be left between the title and the main text. Paragraphs should start 1 cm indented, and there should be no spaces between paragraphs. The structure should be:
• Introduction,
• Material and Methods,
• Findings and Discussion,
• Conclusion and Suggestions,
• Acknowledgments (Optional),
• Author Contributions (In order, with percentage contributions) (Mandatory),
• Conflict of Interest Statement (Mandatory),
• Research and Publication Ethics Statement (Mandatory),
• References.

Figures, Tables, and Equations
Figures can be graphs, diagrams, photos, images, or maps. The caption of the figure should be written below the figure, centered on the page. There should be a line space above the figure and below its caption. Captions should be written in 11-point font, single-spaced. References should be made to figure captions. Tables can be presented with clear frames, with their titles placed above them. Both the table and its title should be aligned to the left. Table titles should be written in either 11-point or 10-point font, single-spaced. References should be made to table titles. If equations are added, they should be numbered consecutively from 1. Equations should be written in line with the paragraph, with their number aligned to the right. A line space should be left above and below the equation. Equations should not be in image format; Word's equation editor is preferred.

Quotation Representation
References should follow the APA format. In-text citations should be numeric, enclosed in square brackets, e.g., [1]. References should be ordered based on their appearance in the text.

Single author:
Author's Last Name, A. (Publication Year).

Two authors:
Author's Last Name, A. and Author's Last Name, B. (Publication Year).

Three to seven authors:
Author's Last Name, A., Author's Last Name, B., ... , and Author's Last Name, Z. (Publication Year).

For more than seven authors, list the first six authors' names, followed by ellipses, and the last author's name:
Author's Last Name, A., Author's Last Name, B., … , and Author's Last Name, Z. (Publication Year).

For organizational authors:
American Psychological Association. (Publication Year).

Reference Representation:
Journals and periodicals:
Author, A., Author, B., and Author, C. (Year). Article title. Journal Name, volume. No (issue no), pages. doi:http://dx.doi.org/xx.xxx/yyyyy

Author, A. A. (Publication Year). Title of the Work. Place: Publisher.

Author, A. A. (Publication Year). Title of the Work. (Translator A. Last Name & Translator B. Last Name, Trans.). Place: Publisher.

Plagiarism Check
All submitted articles are checked using the iThentica plagiarism detection software. Based on the similarity report produced by the software, the editorial board decides whether to send the article for peer review or reject it outright. The similarity ratio of articles should not exceed 20%.

During the article submission process on DergiPark, the following files should be uploaded:

Full text file compliant with the publication template, without the author, institution, e-mail information (For blind peer review).
Turkish-English abstract file compliant with the publication template, without author, institution, e-mail information (For blind peer review).
A copyright transfer form, signed and filled out by hand by all authors.
A printing request letter, signed and filled out by hand by all authors.