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Yıl 2025, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1, 216 - 229, 03.03.2025


One of the biggest problems of construction machines that make people's lives easier is digging efficiency. In this study, a new excavator teeth model with a biomimetic approach was developed to solve the problem of digging efficiency. This biomimetic digging teeth model is inspired by the front claw of the armadillo, which is naturally a successful digging animal. In the bucket, only the teeth are biomimetic and in the armadillo teeth model, the 5 mm deep thinned parts on the sides of the standard bucket are determined as 25 mm deep in the armadillo teeth model for extra lightness. In addition, a standard digging tooth was designed and finite element analysis of this standard design and the armadillo design was carried out using different steels. The designs were created using the CATIA V5 R21 program. The analyzes were carried out using the Ansys Workbench 18.1 program. Three different steel groups were used for the analysis results. These were St-37, S690QL, and Weldox900 E steels. Total deformation, safety factor, equivalent stress, and cost analysis were carried out. The average stress values were 228.85 MPa for the standard teeth and 162.01 MPa for the armadillo teeth.


  • Akpınar, M. V. (2010). İş makineleri ders notları. Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Trabzon. Akter, A. Y. (2018). Excavator bucket design biomimetic approach. Master thesis. Gazi University, Industrial Design, Ankara.
  • Ansys (2016) Skewness in Ansys Meshing. Ansys documantation Canonsburg PA, USA.
  • Chang, Z., Liu, W., Tong, J., Guo, L., Xie, H., Yang, X, Mu, H. & Chen, D. (2016). Design and experiments of biomimetic stubble cutter. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 13(2), 335-343. DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60306-2
  • Çınar, R. (2014). Parametric design and size optimization of external spur gear pump housing. PhD thesis. Kocaeli University. Mechanical engineering. Kocaeli.
  • Demircioğlu, P., Böğrekci, İ., & Hamısu, S. (2021). Analysis of interactive effects of bulk material on excavator bucket. Uluborlu Mesleki Bilimler Dergisi, 4(1), 1-12.
  • Dontha, S. (2017). Study on loader bucket using finite element analysis. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4(4), 2856-2858.
  • Efe, H., Onar, V., & Çınar, M. G. (2019). The effect of welding currents on microstructures in welding of s690ql series steels ın used heavy duty machines. Journal on Mathematic, Engineering and Natural Sciences (EJONS), 3(7), 123-130.
  • Gurbet, Z., Karacor, B., & Ozcanli, M. (2021, October). Investigation of bucket teeth stress-deformation distribution by using ultra high strength material. In 6th International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2021), (pp.590-594).
  • Guo, Z., Zhou, Z., Zhang, Y., & Li, Z. (2009). Bionic optimization research of soil cultivating component design. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 52, 955-965. DOI: 10.1007/s11431-008-0208-4
  • Jun, G., Qingyi, Z., Memon, M. S., Changying, J., & Zheng, Z. (2017). Design and experiment of bionic mole’s toe arrangement serrated blade for soil-rototilling and straw-shattering. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 33(6), 43-50. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.06.006
  • Karaçor, B., Aslan, A., Özcanlı, M., & Kılınç, Ö. (2024, April). An optimization study: Examining different materials usage in the truck chassis. In 2024 6th International Conference on Global Practice of Multidisciplinary Scientific Studies (pp.2006-2033).
  • Khedkar, Y., Dey, T., & Padasalagi, Y. (2017). Study of forces acting on excavator bucket while digging. Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering, 6(5), 1-6. DOI: 10.4172/2168-9873.1000282
  • Kibar, H., & Öztürk, T. (2012). Ansys sonlu eleman yazılımının tarımdaki uygulamaları. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 2(2), 65-74.
  • Lomate, S., Biradar, S., Dhumal, K., & Waychal, A. (2016). Design and shape optimization of excavator bucket. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 3(08), 1423-1429.
  • Maraşlı, M., Akmaz, V., Kam, M., & Dikmen, K. (2022). Elektro galvaniz işleminin St37 ankraj elemanının korozyon mekanizmasına etkisinin araştırılması. Düzce Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 10(1), 367-378. DOI: 10.29130/dubited.938836
  • Onat, A. (2013). İş makinaları. In Makina ve teçhizat (pp. 200-223). Erzurum: Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Prasad, T. S., Krishnaiah, T., Iliyas, J. M., & Reddy, M. J. (2014). A review on modeling and analysis of car wheel rim using CATIA & Ansys. International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME), 2(6), 1-5
  • Rao, A. S., & Ananth, S. (2016). Design, analysis and material optimization of excavator bucket teeth with different cross sections. Open Journal of Technology and Engineering Disciplines, 2(4), 410-428.
  • Sarkar, M., Shaw, R. K., & Ghosh, S. K. (2015). Numerical analysis of stresses in mine excavator bucket. Journal of Mining Science, 51, 309-313. DOI: 10.1134/S1062739115020131
  • Shaikh, B. P., & Mulla, A. M. (2015). Analysis of bucket teeth of backhoe excavator loader and its weight optimization. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 4(5), 289-295.
  • Shi, Y., Hu, A., Du, T., Xiao, X., & Jia, B. (2022). Experimental and numerical study on the protective behavior of Weldox 900 E steel plates impacted by blunt-nosed projectiles. Metals, 12, 141. DOI:10.3390/met12010141
  • SSAB Swedish Steel Foreign Trade Co. Ltd., S690QL Steel properties Accessed:
  • SSAB Swedish Steel Foreign Trade Co. Ltd., St-37 Steel properties Accessed:
  • SSAB Swedish Steel Foreign Trade Co. Ltd., Weldox900E Steel properties Accessed:
  • Suryo, S. H., Bayuseno, A. P., Jamari, J., & Ramadhan, G. (2018). Simulation of excavator bucket pressuring through finite element method. Civil Engineering Journal, 4(3), 478-487. DOI:10.28991/cej-0309107
  • Şekercioğlu, T., Makine Elemanları Hesap Şekillendirme, 5. Baskı, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2021.
  • Tasevski, A., & Hedlund, C. (2016). Design of bucket teeth (Master Thesis). Eskilstuna: Mälardalen University. Design and Engineering. Västerås.
  • Winter, A. G., Hosoi, A. E., Slocum, A. H., & Deits, R. L. (2009, January). The design and testing of roboclam: A machine used to investigate and optimize razor clam-inspired burrowing mechanisms for engineering applications. In International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (Vol. 49040, pp. 721-726). DOI:10.1115/DETC2009-86808
  • Yılmaz, U. (2023). Crystal plasticity-based analysis of crack propagation at microscale by extended finite element method Master's thesis. Middle East Technical University. Mechanical Engineering. Ankara
  • Yıldız, H. (2012). Biomimetic design and methodology in the content of industrial product design. Master's thesis. İstanbul Tecnical University. Industrial Design. İstanbul.


Yıl 2025, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1, 216 - 229, 03.03.2025


İnsanların hayatını kolaylaştıran iş makinelerinin en büyük problemlerinden biri kazma verimliliğidir. Bu çalışmada kazma verimliliği problemini çözmek için biyomimetik yaklaşımla yeni bir ekskavatör diş modeli geliştirilmiştir. Bu biyomimetik kazma dişi modeli, doğası gereği başarılı bir kazma hayvanı olan armadillonun ön pençesinden esinlenerek tasarlanmıştır. Kovada sadece dişler biyomimetik olup, armadillo diş modelinde standart kovanın yanlarında bulunan 5 mm derinliğindeki inceltilmiş parçalar ekstra hafiflik için armadillo diş modelinde 25 mm derinlikte belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca standart bir kazma dişi tasarlanmış ve bu standart tasarım ile armadillo tasarımının sonlu elemanlar analizi farklı çelikler kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Tasarımlar CATIA V5 R21 programı kullanılarak oluşturulmuştur. Analizler Ansys Workbench 18.1 programı kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarında üç farklı çelik grubu kullanılmıştır. Bunlar St-37, S690QL ve Weldox900 E çelikleridir. Toplam deformasyon, güvenlik faktörü, eşdeğer stres ve maliyet analizi yapıldı. Standart dişler için ortalama stres değerleri 228,85 MPa ve armadillo dişleri için 162,01 MPa olarak bulunmuştur.


  • Akpınar, M. V. (2010). İş makineleri ders notları. Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Trabzon. Akter, A. Y. (2018). Excavator bucket design biomimetic approach. Master thesis. Gazi University, Industrial Design, Ankara.
  • Ansys (2016) Skewness in Ansys Meshing. Ansys documantation Canonsburg PA, USA.
  • Chang, Z., Liu, W., Tong, J., Guo, L., Xie, H., Yang, X, Mu, H. & Chen, D. (2016). Design and experiments of biomimetic stubble cutter. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 13(2), 335-343. DOI: 10.1016/S1672-6529(16)60306-2
  • Çınar, R. (2014). Parametric design and size optimization of external spur gear pump housing. PhD thesis. Kocaeli University. Mechanical engineering. Kocaeli.
  • Demircioğlu, P., Böğrekci, İ., & Hamısu, S. (2021). Analysis of interactive effects of bulk material on excavator bucket. Uluborlu Mesleki Bilimler Dergisi, 4(1), 1-12.
  • Dontha, S. (2017). Study on loader bucket using finite element analysis. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4(4), 2856-2858.
  • Efe, H., Onar, V., & Çınar, M. G. (2019). The effect of welding currents on microstructures in welding of s690ql series steels ın used heavy duty machines. Journal on Mathematic, Engineering and Natural Sciences (EJONS), 3(7), 123-130.
  • Gurbet, Z., Karacor, B., & Ozcanli, M. (2021, October). Investigation of bucket teeth stress-deformation distribution by using ultra high strength material. In 6th International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2021), (pp.590-594).
  • Guo, Z., Zhou, Z., Zhang, Y., & Li, Z. (2009). Bionic optimization research of soil cultivating component design. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 52, 955-965. DOI: 10.1007/s11431-008-0208-4
  • Jun, G., Qingyi, Z., Memon, M. S., Changying, J., & Zheng, Z. (2017). Design and experiment of bionic mole’s toe arrangement serrated blade for soil-rototilling and straw-shattering. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 33(6), 43-50. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.06.006
  • Karaçor, B., Aslan, A., Özcanlı, M., & Kılınç, Ö. (2024, April). An optimization study: Examining different materials usage in the truck chassis. In 2024 6th International Conference on Global Practice of Multidisciplinary Scientific Studies (pp.2006-2033).
  • Khedkar, Y., Dey, T., & Padasalagi, Y. (2017). Study of forces acting on excavator bucket while digging. Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering, 6(5), 1-6. DOI: 10.4172/2168-9873.1000282
  • Kibar, H., & Öztürk, T. (2012). Ansys sonlu eleman yazılımının tarımdaki uygulamaları. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 2(2), 65-74.
  • Lomate, S., Biradar, S., Dhumal, K., & Waychal, A. (2016). Design and shape optimization of excavator bucket. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 3(08), 1423-1429.
  • Maraşlı, M., Akmaz, V., Kam, M., & Dikmen, K. (2022). Elektro galvaniz işleminin St37 ankraj elemanının korozyon mekanizmasına etkisinin araştırılması. Düzce Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 10(1), 367-378. DOI: 10.29130/dubited.938836
  • Onat, A. (2013). İş makinaları. In Makina ve teçhizat (pp. 200-223). Erzurum: Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Prasad, T. S., Krishnaiah, T., Iliyas, J. M., & Reddy, M. J. (2014). A review on modeling and analysis of car wheel rim using CATIA & Ansys. International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME), 2(6), 1-5
  • Rao, A. S., & Ananth, S. (2016). Design, analysis and material optimization of excavator bucket teeth with different cross sections. Open Journal of Technology and Engineering Disciplines, 2(4), 410-428.
  • Sarkar, M., Shaw, R. K., & Ghosh, S. K. (2015). Numerical analysis of stresses in mine excavator bucket. Journal of Mining Science, 51, 309-313. DOI: 10.1134/S1062739115020131
  • Shaikh, B. P., & Mulla, A. M. (2015). Analysis of bucket teeth of backhoe excavator loader and its weight optimization. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 4(5), 289-295.
  • Shi, Y., Hu, A., Du, T., Xiao, X., & Jia, B. (2022). Experimental and numerical study on the protective behavior of Weldox 900 E steel plates impacted by blunt-nosed projectiles. Metals, 12, 141. DOI:10.3390/met12010141
  • SSAB Swedish Steel Foreign Trade Co. Ltd., S690QL Steel properties Accessed:
  • SSAB Swedish Steel Foreign Trade Co. Ltd., St-37 Steel properties Accessed:
  • SSAB Swedish Steel Foreign Trade Co. Ltd., Weldox900E Steel properties Accessed:
  • Suryo, S. H., Bayuseno, A. P., Jamari, J., & Ramadhan, G. (2018). Simulation of excavator bucket pressuring through finite element method. Civil Engineering Journal, 4(3), 478-487. DOI:10.28991/cej-0309107
  • Şekercioğlu, T., Makine Elemanları Hesap Şekillendirme, 5. Baskı, Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2021.
  • Tasevski, A., & Hedlund, C. (2016). Design of bucket teeth (Master Thesis). Eskilstuna: Mälardalen University. Design and Engineering. Västerås.
  • Winter, A. G., Hosoi, A. E., Slocum, A. H., & Deits, R. L. (2009, January). The design and testing of roboclam: A machine used to investigate and optimize razor clam-inspired burrowing mechanisms for engineering applications. In International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (Vol. 49040, pp. 721-726). DOI:10.1115/DETC2009-86808
  • Yılmaz, U. (2023). Crystal plasticity-based analysis of crack propagation at microscale by extended finite element method Master's thesis. Middle East Technical University. Mechanical Engineering. Ankara
  • Yıldız, H. (2012). Biomimetic design and methodology in the content of industrial product design. Master's thesis. İstanbul Tecnical University. Industrial Design. İstanbul.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Makine Mühendisliği (Diğer)
Bölüm Makine Mühendisliği

Berkay Karacor 0000-0001-5208-366X

Kaan Koç 0009-0000-2096-4059

Mustafa Özcanlı 0000-0001-6088-2912

Yayımlanma Tarihi 3 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 6 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Karacor, B., Koç, K., & Özcanlı, M. (2025). FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF EXCAVATOR BUCKET DESIGN WITH BIOMIMETIC APPROACH WITH DIFFERENT STEELS. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 28(1), 216-229.